Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
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刊期 : 月刊主编 : 丁奎岭
语种 : 中文主办 : 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所、中国化学会
ISSN : 0253-2786 CN : 31-1321/O6《有机化学》创刊于1980年, 为月刊, A4版, 112页. 主要刊登有机化学领域基础研究和应用基础研究的原始性研究成果, 设有综述与进展、研究论文、研究通讯、研究简报、学术动态、研究专题、亮点介绍等栏目.展开 >
本刊由中国科学院院士陈庆云教授任主编、丁奎岭教授任编辑室主任, 由14名中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士等老、中、青三代共53名学术专家组成编委会.
本刊所载论文水平较高, 内容涉及国家自然科学基金、攀登计划、“973”项目及其它科学基金资助项目成果.
本刊在国内外具有一定的影响, 广大读者、作者对本刊反映良好, 对本刊设置的各栏目非常感兴趣, 每期必读. 特别是增加了图文摘要, 增大了英文摘要的内容, 更有利于《有机化学》在国际上的交流 .
本刊一直为我国学术类期刊发行量最大的刊物之一, 并于2001年入围科技期刊方阵双效期刊. - 影响因子: 1.8
2020, 40(12): 3991-4014
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006024
2020, 40(12): 4015-4030
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202008042
2020, 40(12): 4031-4045
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005023
2020, 40(12): 4046-4059
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005063
2020, 40(12): 4060-4070
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005039
2020, 40(12): 4071-4086
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004047
2020, 40(12): 4087-4100
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005047
2020, 40(12): 4101-4121
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004049
2020, 40(12): 4122-4146
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005003
2020, 40(12): 4147-4154
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005024
2020, 40(12): 4155-4167
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005041
2020, 40(12): 4168-4183
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005074
2020, 40(12): 4184-4202
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004036
2020, 40(12): 4203-4215
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005034
从海鞭Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae中分离得到的生物碱pseudopteroxazole和ileabethoxazole对结核病病原体——结核分枝杆菌具有良好的抗菌活性.这两种生物碱具有相似的四环骨架,包含四个立体中心、一个全取代苯环和天然产物中少有的苯并噁唑单元.良好的抗结核分枝杆菌活性和独特的分子结构使得对pseudopteroxazole和ileabethoxazole的合成研究得到了广泛关注,综述了国内外对这两生物碱的全合成研究进展.
从海鞭Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae中分离得到的生物碱pseudopteroxazole和ileabethoxazole对结核病病原体——结核分枝杆菌具有良好的抗菌活性.这两种生物碱具有相似的四环骨架,包含四个立体中心、一个全取代苯环和天然产物中少有的苯并噁唑单元.良好的抗结核分枝杆菌活性和独特的分子结构使得对pseudopteroxazole和ileabethoxazole的合成研究得到了广泛关注,综述了国内外对这两生物碱的全合成研究进展.
2020, 40(12): 4216-4227
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004053
2020, 40(12): 4228-4236
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006074
A platinum-catalyzed syn-stereocontrolled ring-opening reaction of oxabicyclic alkenes with arylsulfonyl hydrazides was developed. This protocol exhibited high efficiency and good functional group tolerance, affording cis-2-aryl-1, 2-dihydronaphthalen-1-ols (3) or 2-aryl-naphthalenes (4) as dehydrated products in good to excellent yields under mild conditions (up to 89%). In addition, the cis-1, 2-configuration of product (1S*, 2R*)-6, 7-dibromo-2-(p-tolyl)-1, 2-dihydronaphthalen-1-ol (3db) was confirmed by X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. Based on the results, a plausible mechanism for the ring-opening reaction was proposed. Remarkably, arylsulfonyl hydrazides were used as carboanion nucleophiles in the ring-opening reaction via releasing N2 and SO2 in situ.
A platinum-catalyzed syn-stereocontrolled ring-opening reaction of oxabicyclic alkenes with arylsulfonyl hydrazides was developed. This protocol exhibited high efficiency and good functional group tolerance, affording cis-2-aryl-1, 2-dihydronaphthalen-1-ols (3) or 2-aryl-naphthalenes (4) as dehydrated products in good to excellent yields under mild conditions (up to 89%). In addition, the cis-1, 2-configuration of product (1S*, 2R*)-6, 7-dibromo-2-(p-tolyl)-1, 2-dihydronaphthalen-1-ol (3db) was confirmed by X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. Based on the results, a plausible mechanism for the ring-opening reaction was proposed. Remarkably, arylsulfonyl hydrazides were used as carboanion nucleophiles in the ring-opening reaction via releasing N2 and SO2 in situ.
2020, 40(12): 4237-4248
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005057
Thirty-six unreported pyrimidine analogues were designed, synthesized and characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and HRMS. Their antifungal activities were determined against five plant pathogenic fungi namely Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarum graminearum, Helminthosporium maydis, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea. The results indicated that most of them revealed significant antifungal activities at 20 mg/L. Among them, 4-(furan-2-yl)-2-methyl-6-(p-tolyl)pyrimidine (2c) and 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)-2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyrimidine (3d) showed the strongest activities against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and their median effect concentrations (EC50) were 0.072 and 0.077 mg/L, respectively, which implied that they had better antifungal activities than the commercial fungicide fluopyram (EC50=0.244 mg/L). Meanwhile, the inhibitory activities of compounds 2c and 3d were determined against succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). The results exhibited that their half inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 0.115 and 0.121 mg/L, respectively, indicating that they also had better inhibitory activities than fluopyram (IC50=0.356 mg/L). Molecular docking studies demonstrated that the binding energy of compounds 2c, 3d and fluopyram to SDH was -32.2 kJ/mol, -31.8 kJ/mol and -28.9 kJ/mol, respectively, which represented that they had stronger affinities than fluopyram. The inhibitory activities of compounds 2c and 3d against SDH have been reported for the first time.
Thirty-six unreported pyrimidine analogues were designed, synthesized and characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and HRMS. Their antifungal activities were determined against five plant pathogenic fungi namely Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarum graminearum, Helminthosporium maydis, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea. The results indicated that most of them revealed significant antifungal activities at 20 mg/L. Among them, 4-(furan-2-yl)-2-methyl-6-(p-tolyl)pyrimidine (2c) and 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)-2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyrimidine (3d) showed the strongest activities against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and their median effect concentrations (EC50) were 0.072 and 0.077 mg/L, respectively, which implied that they had better antifungal activities than the commercial fungicide fluopyram (EC50=0.244 mg/L). Meanwhile, the inhibitory activities of compounds 2c and 3d were determined against succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). The results exhibited that their half inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 0.115 and 0.121 mg/L, respectively, indicating that they also had better inhibitory activities than fluopyram (IC50=0.356 mg/L). Molecular docking studies demonstrated that the binding energy of compounds 2c, 3d and fluopyram to SDH was -32.2 kJ/mol, -31.8 kJ/mol and -28.9 kJ/mol, respectively, which represented that they had stronger affinities than fluopyram. The inhibitory activities of compounds 2c and 3d against SDH have been reported for the first time.
2020, 40(12): 4267-4273
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006025
An eco-friendly visible light-induced approach for the synthesis of vinyl sulfones from the reaction of nitroolefins with sulfinic acid under photocatalyst free conditions was developed. Simple operation, mild reaction conditions, broad substrate scope and good yields of the desired products made this transformation have an excellent prospect. The anti-microbial activity test showed that some of the desired products had moderate inhibitory rate against V. mali and C. glecosporioides.
An eco-friendly visible light-induced approach for the synthesis of vinyl sulfones from the reaction of nitroolefins with sulfinic acid under photocatalyst free conditions was developed. Simple operation, mild reaction conditions, broad substrate scope and good yields of the desired products made this transformation have an excellent prospect. The anti-microbial activity test showed that some of the desired products had moderate inhibitory rate against V. mali and C. glecosporioides.
2020, 40(12): 4274-4283
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005093
A novel Brook rearrangement/alkylation reaction sequence of tertiary α-silyl alcohols has been developed using n-Bu4NBr as the phase transfer catalyst (PTC). A number of tertiary α-silyl alcohols are applicable to the reaction, affording the products with a quaternary carbon center in high yields (up to 71%). Moreover, the carbanions generated after the Brook rearrangement could be stabilized by the electron-withdrawing group, depressing the Brook rearrangement/protonation reaction.
A novel Brook rearrangement/alkylation reaction sequence of tertiary α-silyl alcohols has been developed using n-Bu4NBr as the phase transfer catalyst (PTC). A number of tertiary α-silyl alcohols are applicable to the reaction, affording the products with a quaternary carbon center in high yields (up to 71%). Moreover, the carbanions generated after the Brook rearrangement could be stabilized by the electron-withdrawing group, depressing the Brook rearrangement/protonation reaction.
2020, 40(12): 4284-4289
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006030
In this paper, a novel transition-metal-free decarboxylative amidation of aryl α-keto acids with diphenylphosphoryl azide (DPPA) under mild conditions has been developed. The reaction proceeded smoothly to afford the corresponding primary aryl amide products in good to excellent yields under air and showed excellent functional group tolerance. Gram-scale reaction was also performed to produce the desired product in high yield. In addition, the mechanism of the present reaction was investigated.
In this paper, a novel transition-metal-free decarboxylative amidation of aryl α-keto acids with diphenylphosphoryl azide (DPPA) under mild conditions has been developed. The reaction proceeded smoothly to afford the corresponding primary aryl amide products in good to excellent yields under air and showed excellent functional group tolerance. Gram-scale reaction was also performed to produce the desired product in high yield. In addition, the mechanism of the present reaction was investigated.
2020, 40(12): 4298-4304
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005087
With inexpensive potassium halide (KX) as halogen source, and oxone as oxidant, a series of allylamides underwent halocyclization reaction and generated 5-halomethyl-2-oxazolines in good to excellent isolated yields under mild conditions. The protocol showed attractive advanced features including low cost of halogen source, absence of organic byproduct, and resultant environmental-friendly nature. In addition, various useful derivatives could be expected by proper nucleophilic substitution reactions.
With inexpensive potassium halide (KX) as halogen source, and oxone as oxidant, a series of allylamides underwent halocyclization reaction and generated 5-halomethyl-2-oxazolines in good to excellent isolated yields under mild conditions. The protocol showed attractive advanced features including low cost of halogen source, absence of organic byproduct, and resultant environmental-friendly nature. In addition, various useful derivatives could be expected by proper nucleophilic substitution reactions.
2020, 40(12): 4305-4314
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005080
A successful protocol has been developed for palladium-catalyzed late-stage arylation of fully substituted pyrazoles. Through screening of optimazation of reaction parameters, the most efficient reaction conditions for mono-ortho-position arylation were obtained. This reaction features a broad substrate scope, good functional group tolerance as well as good to excellent yield. Moreover, the intermolecular competition experiments and gram scale reaction were also performed. The kinetic isotopic effect (KIE) result reveled C-H bond cleavage was involved in the rate-limiting step and a plausible mechanism was proposed based on the dual-core dimeric palladacycle.
A successful protocol has been developed for palladium-catalyzed late-stage arylation of fully substituted pyrazoles. Through screening of optimazation of reaction parameters, the most efficient reaction conditions for mono-ortho-position arylation were obtained. This reaction features a broad substrate scope, good functional group tolerance as well as good to excellent yield. Moreover, the intermolecular competition experiments and gram scale reaction were also performed. The kinetic isotopic effect (KIE) result reveled C-H bond cleavage was involved in the rate-limiting step and a plausible mechanism was proposed based on the dual-core dimeric palladacycle.
2020, 40(12): 4249-4257
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202008014
基于新型杀虫剂氯虫苯甲酰胺的结构,设计合成出一系列新型含取代异噁唑单元的N-吡啶基吡唑酰胺衍生物,其目标化合物的结构均经核磁氢谱、碳谱及元素分析等方法确证.初步的室内杀虫活性测试数据表明,在500 μg/mL测试浓度下,所有目标化合物对粘虫的杀虫效果均达100%.4个化合物在100 μg/mL测试浓度下对粘虫的杀死率为80%~100%,2个化合物在20 μg/mL测试浓度下对粘虫仍有40%~50%的防效.5个化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对蚜虫有较高的杀虫作用,其致死率为90%~100%.此外,2个化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对朱砂叶螨有70%~80%的致死率.
基于新型杀虫剂氯虫苯甲酰胺的结构,设计合成出一系列新型含取代异噁唑单元的N-吡啶基吡唑酰胺衍生物,其目标化合物的结构均经核磁氢谱、碳谱及元素分析等方法确证.初步的室内杀虫活性测试数据表明,在500 μg/mL测试浓度下,所有目标化合物对粘虫的杀虫效果均达100%.4个化合物在100 μg/mL测试浓度下对粘虫的杀死率为80%~100%,2个化合物在20 μg/mL测试浓度下对粘虫仍有40%~50%的防效.5个化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对蚜虫有较高的杀虫作用,其致死率为90%~100%.此外,2个化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对朱砂叶螨有70%~80%的致死率.
2020, 40(12): 4258-4266
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005077
2020, 40(12): 4290-4297
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005049
2020, 40(12): 4315-4321
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202008031
为了探寻新型含氮杂环活性物质,以杀螨剂唑螨酯为先导化合物,在吡唑肟的分子结构中引入苯并三氮唑单元结构,设计合成了17个未见文献报道的含苯并三氮唑结构的新型吡唑肟类衍生物.目标化合物的结构经1H NMR,13C NMR和元素分析确证.初步的生测数据表明,部分目标化合物显示出优良杀虫作用.在20 μg/mL浓度下,3个化合物对朱砂叶螨有70%~100%的防效.6个化合物在20 μg/mL浓度下对蚜虫的杀死率在90%~100%.另外,16个化合物在500 μg/mL浓度下对粘虫也呈现出较好的杀虫活性(致死率≥ 80%).
为了探寻新型含氮杂环活性物质,以杀螨剂唑螨酯为先导化合物,在吡唑肟的分子结构中引入苯并三氮唑单元结构,设计合成了17个未见文献报道的含苯并三氮唑结构的新型吡唑肟类衍生物.目标化合物的结构经1H NMR,13C NMR和元素分析确证.初步的生测数据表明,部分目标化合物显示出优良杀虫作用.在20 μg/mL浓度下,3个化合物对朱砂叶螨有70%~100%的防效.6个化合物在20 μg/mL浓度下对蚜虫的杀死率在90%~100%.另外,16个化合物在500 μg/mL浓度下对粘虫也呈现出较好的杀虫活性(致死率≥ 80%).
2020, 40(12): 4322-4327
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005059
2020, 40(12): 4332-4338
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006056
为了探索与发现具有优异活性的内酯类新烟碱杀虫剂,利用骨架跃迁引入二硫环戊烯酮新药效团,设计合成了一系列结构新颖的1,2-二硫环戊烯酮类新烟碱化合物.所合成化合物结构均经核磁共振(NMR)和高分辨质谱(HRMS)等方法确证.初步生物活性测试表明,目标化合物对苜蓿蚜虫和褐飞虱都具有一定的杀虫活性,其中4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(甲基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3a),4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(乙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3b),4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(丙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3c)和4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(2,2-二氟乙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3g)在100 μg/mL浓度下对苜蓿蚜虫的致死率均超过90%,3g在4 μg/mL对苜蓿蚜具有40%的致死率.此外3g在100 μg/mL浓度下对稻飞虱的致死率超过70%,可做深入的结构优化与杀虫活性探究.
为了探索与发现具有优异活性的内酯类新烟碱杀虫剂,利用骨架跃迁引入二硫环戊烯酮新药效团,设计合成了一系列结构新颖的1,2-二硫环戊烯酮类新烟碱化合物.所合成化合物结构均经核磁共振(NMR)和高分辨质谱(HRMS)等方法确证.初步生物活性测试表明,目标化合物对苜蓿蚜虫和褐飞虱都具有一定的杀虫活性,其中4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(甲基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3a),4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(乙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3b),4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(丙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3c)和4-氯-5-(((6-氯吡啶-3-基)甲基)(2,2-二氟乙基)氨基)-3H-1,2-二硫醇-3-酮(3g)在100 μg/mL浓度下对苜蓿蚜虫的致死率均超过90%,3g在4 μg/mL对苜蓿蚜具有40%的致死率.此外3g在100 μg/mL浓度下对稻飞虱的致死率超过70%,可做深入的结构优化与杀虫活性探究.
2020, 40(12): 4344-4349
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006004
2020, 40(12): 4350-4356
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007029
采用活性单元拼接的方法,以新型吡唑酰胺类杀螨剂吡螨胺为先导结构,在吡唑酰胺分子结构中引入取代噁唑活性单元,设计合成出15个结构新颖的含取代噁唑环的吡唑酰胺类衍生物.目标化合物的结构通过1H NMR,13C NMR和元素分析等进行了表征.初步室内杀虫活性测试结果表明,在500 μg/mL测试浓度下,多数目标化合物对粘虫(Oriental armyworm)有着较高的杀虫活性(致死率≥ 90%).其中1个目标化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对蚜虫(Aphis medicaginis)的致死率达100%.此外,2个目标化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)的致死率都为30%.
采用活性单元拼接的方法,以新型吡唑酰胺类杀螨剂吡螨胺为先导结构,在吡唑酰胺分子结构中引入取代噁唑活性单元,设计合成出15个结构新颖的含取代噁唑环的吡唑酰胺类衍生物.目标化合物的结构通过1H NMR,13C NMR和元素分析等进行了表征.初步室内杀虫活性测试结果表明,在500 μg/mL测试浓度下,多数目标化合物对粘虫(Oriental armyworm)有着较高的杀虫活性(致死率≥ 90%).其中1个目标化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对蚜虫(Aphis medicaginis)的致死率达100%.此外,2个目标化合物在500 μg/mL测试浓度下对朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)的致死率都为30%.
2020, 40(12): 4357-4363
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005078
2020, 40(12): 4328-4331
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006034
By silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography as well as preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), four previously undescribed α-pyrones sharing same primary structure were isolated from the brown rice solid medium of Fusarium tricinctum. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses and their absolute configurations were finally confirmed by a modified Snatzke's method.
By silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography as well as preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), four previously undescribed α-pyrones sharing same primary structure were isolated from the brown rice solid medium of Fusarium tricinctum. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses and their absolute configurations were finally confirmed by a modified Snatzke's method.
2020, 40(12): 4339-4343
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007022
Two reaction-based water-soluble boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) fluorescent probes, Ac-Phe-BODIPY and Ac-BODIPY, were developed for peroxynitrite (ONOO-) measurement. High sensitivity, low detection limit and excellent selectivity toward ONOO- were obtained for determining reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). The reaction-based probe Ac-Phe-BODIPY was hydrolyzed into BODIPY-1 which was isolated by column chromatography and proved by 1H NMR and ESI-MS. The characterization results revealed the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) mechanism which was simultaneously in agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculation.
Two reaction-based water-soluble boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) fluorescent probes, Ac-Phe-BODIPY and Ac-BODIPY, were developed for peroxynitrite (ONOO-) measurement. High sensitivity, low detection limit and excellent selectivity toward ONOO- were obtained for determining reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). The reaction-based probe Ac-Phe-BODIPY was hydrolyzed into BODIPY-1 which was isolated by column chromatography and proved by 1H NMR and ESI-MS. The characterization results revealed the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) mechanism which was simultaneously in agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculation.
2020, 40(12): 4364-4366
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000083
2020, 40(12): 4367-4369
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000084
2020, 40(12): 4370-4371
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000085
2020, 40(12): 4372-4374
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000086
2020, 40(12): 4375-4376
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000087
2020, 40(12): 4377-4379
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000088
2020, 40(12): 4380-4381
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000089
2020, 40(12): 4382-4383
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000090
2020, 40(12): 4384-4386
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000091
2020, 40(12): 4387-4389
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000092

2020, 40(11): 3493-3516
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007004
2020, 40(11): 3517-3535
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202003057
2020, 40(11): 3559-3595
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006072
2020, 40(11): 3605-3619
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006033
2020, 40(11): 3620-3632
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006068
2020, 40(11): 3633-3645
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006081
2020, 40(11): 3646-3655
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006079
2020, 40(11): 3656-3671
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006052
2020, 40(11): 3672-3685
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006076
2020, 40(11): 3686-3696
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006008
2020, 40(11): 3697-3713
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004045
2020, 40(11): 3714-3737
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005007
2020, 40(11): 3748-3759
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004008
2020, 40(11): 3760-3776
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202003061
2020, 40(11): 3794-3801
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005046
2020, 40(11): 3802-3811
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004040
2020, 40(11): 3812-3827
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006051
近年来,由于计算能力、大数据和算法的不断进步,人工智能(Artificial intelligence,AI)重新兴起,已成为诸多研究领域变革性发展背后的重要推动力.机器学习(Machine learning,ML)是人工智能一个重要的研究领域.随着化学信息学的发展,机器学习在化学领域展现出巨大的发展潜力,也为有机化学的发展带来了新的机遇.为帮助有机化学家了解这一新兴领域,对如何将机器学习策略应用于有机化学研究做简单介绍,同时,概括总结了机器学习在化合物性质预测、分子从头设计、化学反应预测、逆合成分析和智能合成机器方面的应用实例,分析讨论了当前机器学习在有机化学领域面临的挑战和难题.
近年来,由于计算能力、大数据和算法的不断进步,人工智能(Artificial intelligence,AI)重新兴起,已成为诸多研究领域变革性发展背后的重要推动力.机器学习(Machine learning,ML)是人工智能一个重要的研究领域.随着化学信息学的发展,机器学习在化学领域展现出巨大的发展潜力,也为有机化学的发展带来了新的机遇.为帮助有机化学家了解这一新兴领域,对如何将机器学习策略应用于有机化学研究做简单介绍,同时,概括总结了机器学习在化合物性质预测、分子从头设计、化学反应预测、逆合成分析和智能合成机器方面的应用实例,分析讨论了当前机器学习在有机化学领域面临的挑战和难题.
2020, 40(11): 3536-3558
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202010025
Eight-membered carbocycles are widely found in natural products with significant biological activities and other molecules ranging from perfumes to potential materials. Therefore, accessing these eight-membered carbocycle embedded molecules is important for drug discovery, biological investigation, fragrance industry, material development and many other fields. However, the synthesis of eight-membered carbocycles is still posing challenges to synthetic chemists. Hence, tremendous efforts have been endeavored by many leading chemists to discover and develop new reactions in order to synthesize eight-membered carbocycles. Among these reactions, transition-metal-catalyzed cycloadditions of [m+n], [m+n+o], [m+ n+o+p] have evolved as powerful tools to achieve this aim. This topic has been reviewed in 2010. Summarized here are many new developments in this field and applications of the previously developed reactions in natural product synthesis since then.
Eight-membered carbocycles are widely found in natural products with significant biological activities and other molecules ranging from perfumes to potential materials. Therefore, accessing these eight-membered carbocycle embedded molecules is important for drug discovery, biological investigation, fragrance industry, material development and many other fields. However, the synthesis of eight-membered carbocycles is still posing challenges to synthetic chemists. Hence, tremendous efforts have been endeavored by many leading chemists to discover and develop new reactions in order to synthesize eight-membered carbocycles. Among these reactions, transition-metal-catalyzed cycloadditions of [m+n], [m+n+o], [m+ n+o+p] have evolved as powerful tools to achieve this aim. This topic has been reviewed in 2010. Summarized here are many new developments in this field and applications of the previously developed reactions in natural product synthesis since then.
2020, 40(11): 3596-3604
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202008039
Enantioselective hydroboration of ketones and imines provides a powerful method to access valuable chiral alcohols and amines which are widely used in organic synthesis, materials science, pharmaceutical, agrochemistry and fine chemical industry. After invented in 1991, pinacolborane (HBpin) as a stable, commercially available and measurably simple reductive reagent has been widely applied in hydroboration of carbonyl derivatives, imines and nitriles and relevant mechanistic investigation. In the past 5 years, HBpin has also been employed for asymmetric catalytic hydroboration (CHB) to access chiral alcohols and amines. The enantioselective CHB reactions of ketones and imines using HBpin are outlined according to the classification of different catalysts, such as earth abundant transition metals, main group elements, and rare-earth metals.
Enantioselective hydroboration of ketones and imines provides a powerful method to access valuable chiral alcohols and amines which are widely used in organic synthesis, materials science, pharmaceutical, agrochemistry and fine chemical industry. After invented in 1991, pinacolborane (HBpin) as a stable, commercially available and measurably simple reductive reagent has been widely applied in hydroboration of carbonyl derivatives, imines and nitriles and relevant mechanistic investigation. In the past 5 years, HBpin has also been employed for asymmetric catalytic hydroboration (CHB) to access chiral alcohols and amines. The enantioselective CHB reactions of ketones and imines using HBpin are outlined according to the classification of different catalysts, such as earth abundant transition metals, main group elements, and rare-earth metals.
2020, 40(11): 3738-3747
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202003022
The recent developments in asymmetric organotransition metal-catalyzed electrochemistry (AOMCE) are summarized. AOMCE processes can be divided into oxidative and reductive variants. In terms of oxidations, asymmetric functionalization of olefins, oxidative kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols or aldehydes, and asymmetric C—H functionalization reactions have been developed. Reductive processes discussed include asymmetric electrochemical carboxylation with carbon dioxide, asymmetric electrochemical decarboxylation, and asymmetric reductive coupling reactions. The combination of chiral ligands, transition-metal catalysts, and electrochemistry provides a novel angle by which to address the longstanding fundamental challenge of stereoinduction in traditional electrochemical organic synthesis.
The recent developments in asymmetric organotransition metal-catalyzed electrochemistry (AOMCE) are summarized. AOMCE processes can be divided into oxidative and reductive variants. In terms of oxidations, asymmetric functionalization of olefins, oxidative kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols or aldehydes, and asymmetric C—H functionalization reactions have been developed. Reductive processes discussed include asymmetric electrochemical carboxylation with carbon dioxide, asymmetric electrochemical decarboxylation, and asymmetric reductive coupling reactions. The combination of chiral ligands, transition-metal catalysts, and electrochemistry provides a novel angle by which to address the longstanding fundamental challenge of stereoinduction in traditional electrochemical organic synthesis.
Porous Organic Polymers as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Visible Light-Induced Organic Transformations
2020, 40(11): 3777-3793
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202003070
The recent applications of porous organic polymers (POPs) as heterogeneous catalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations are summarized. POPs are constructed from conjugated organic monomers, having the features of convenient synthesis and characterization, high stability for quick recovery and reuse, structural diversity as well as high modifiability. POPs possess rigid conjugated frameworks, relatively large surface areas, tunable porosity and typically insoluble in water or organic solvents, and thus ideal platforms for the development of heterogeneous catalysts. Through incorporating conjugated sensitizer units into the backbones or attaching the sensitizers to the backbone linkers, POPs can be developed as efficient heterogeneous photocatalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations. Due to their high stability and insolubility, POP catalysts can be easily recovered through filtration or centrifugation and recycled. POP-based photocatalysis combines visible light utility and catalyst recycling and thus represents a green and sustainable technique.
The recent applications of porous organic polymers (POPs) as heterogeneous catalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations are summarized. POPs are constructed from conjugated organic monomers, having the features of convenient synthesis and characterization, high stability for quick recovery and reuse, structural diversity as well as high modifiability. POPs possess rigid conjugated frameworks, relatively large surface areas, tunable porosity and typically insoluble in water or organic solvents, and thus ideal platforms for the development of heterogeneous catalysts. Through incorporating conjugated sensitizer units into the backbones or attaching the sensitizers to the backbone linkers, POPs can be developed as efficient heterogeneous photocatalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations. Due to their high stability and insolubility, POP catalysts can be easily recovered through filtration or centrifugation and recycled. POP-based photocatalysis combines visible light utility and catalyst recycling and thus represents a green and sustainable technique.
2020, 40(11): 3828-3836
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006059
As a typical representative of thiopeptide antibiotics, nosiheptide (NOS) possesses very good antibacterial activity. However, due to poor water solubility and low bioavailability, its clinical application is hampered. Due to its complex structure, it is difficult to obtain analogues with improved physical and chemical properties via total chemical synthesis. Based on the previous studies on the biosynthesis of nosiheptide, the side-ring 3-methyl-2-indoleic acid (MIA) analogues were used as chemical small molecule probes to explore the substrate tolerance of enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway in NOS-producing bacteria via the co-fermentation of probe molecules with mutant strain and the combination of high resolution mass spectrometry data of fermentation products. The results showed that enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway had a considerable tolerance to MIA analogues substituted by F, Cl and CH3, however, MIA analogues substituted by large steric hindrance group, such as NO2, CF3 and Ph, were not tolerated. The position, the size and the property of the substituted groups of MIA also affected the steps of identification, transport and upload of the related enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis. The present study not only explored the substrate tolerance of enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway, but also was expected to obtain NOS analogues via biosynthetic pathway engineering. What's more, it provides valuable information for using directed evolution technology to improve the substrate tolerance of enzymes in the rate-limiting steps of NOS biosynthesis and to expand the use of NOS-producing bacteria to obtain more analogues.
As a typical representative of thiopeptide antibiotics, nosiheptide (NOS) possesses very good antibacterial activity. However, due to poor water solubility and low bioavailability, its clinical application is hampered. Due to its complex structure, it is difficult to obtain analogues with improved physical and chemical properties via total chemical synthesis. Based on the previous studies on the biosynthesis of nosiheptide, the side-ring 3-methyl-2-indoleic acid (MIA) analogues were used as chemical small molecule probes to explore the substrate tolerance of enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway in NOS-producing bacteria via the co-fermentation of probe molecules with mutant strain and the combination of high resolution mass spectrometry data of fermentation products. The results showed that enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway had a considerable tolerance to MIA analogues substituted by F, Cl and CH3, however, MIA analogues substituted by large steric hindrance group, such as NO2, CF3 and Ph, were not tolerated. The position, the size and the property of the substituted groups of MIA also affected the steps of identification, transport and upload of the related enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis. The present study not only explored the substrate tolerance of enzymes involved in NOS biosynthesis pathway, but also was expected to obtain NOS analogues via biosynthetic pathway engineering. What's more, it provides valuable information for using directed evolution technology to improve the substrate tolerance of enzymes in the rate-limiting steps of NOS biosynthesis and to expand the use of NOS-producing bacteria to obtain more analogues.
2020, 40(11): 3847-3852
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006070
Supramolecular polymers are regarded as a new kind of dynamic materials. The study of supramolecular polymers not only helps to understand the law of self-assembly, but also provides theoretical support for the development of smart materials. Herein, three dioxyphenylene bridged ditopic ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) derivatives M1~M3 are studied. These molecules could undergo supramolecular polymerization via quadruple hydrogen bonding. The only difference in their structure is the length of the oligo(ethylene oxide) chain as spacers. The supramolecular polymerization based on ring-chain equilibrium of these molecules were studied by a series of experiments including concentration-dependent 1H NMR, NOESY, and viscosity measurement, which showed that the spacer length has a big impact on the ring-opening supramolecular polymerization process. And the main reason for this is the different strengths of π-π interaction between the dioxyphenylene unit and the dimerized UPy motif in the cyclic monomer form. M1 with the shortest spacer lacks this kind of π-π interaction while M3 with the longest spacer possesses a weak π-π interaction, both leading to small value of CPCs. By contrast, M2 with a moderate length of spacer has a strong π-π interaction, resulting in a high CPC value (189 mmol·L-1). Finally, the host-guest complexation between M1~M3 with the π-electron deficient bipyridinium-based cyclophane "blue-box" were further investigated, which shows that only M3 could perform host-guest complexation. From this interesting model, new insight into the relationship between molecular structure and supramolecular polymerization is discovered, which is important for creating tailor-made supramolecular polymeric materials.
Supramolecular polymers are regarded as a new kind of dynamic materials. The study of supramolecular polymers not only helps to understand the law of self-assembly, but also provides theoretical support for the development of smart materials. Herein, three dioxyphenylene bridged ditopic ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) derivatives M1~M3 are studied. These molecules could undergo supramolecular polymerization via quadruple hydrogen bonding. The only difference in their structure is the length of the oligo(ethylene oxide) chain as spacers. The supramolecular polymerization based on ring-chain equilibrium of these molecules were studied by a series of experiments including concentration-dependent 1H NMR, NOESY, and viscosity measurement, which showed that the spacer length has a big impact on the ring-opening supramolecular polymerization process. And the main reason for this is the different strengths of π-π interaction between the dioxyphenylene unit and the dimerized UPy motif in the cyclic monomer form. M1 with the shortest spacer lacks this kind of π-π interaction while M3 with the longest spacer possesses a weak π-π interaction, both leading to small value of CPCs. By contrast, M2 with a moderate length of spacer has a strong π-π interaction, resulting in a high CPC value (189 mmol·L-1). Finally, the host-guest complexation between M1~M3 with the π-electron deficient bipyridinium-based cyclophane "blue-box" were further investigated, which shows that only M3 could perform host-guest complexation. From this interesting model, new insight into the relationship between molecular structure and supramolecular polymerization is discovered, which is important for creating tailor-made supramolecular polymeric materials.
Tris(trimethylsilyl)silane/O2-Promoted and Photo-accelerated Conversion of Alkyl Iodides to Alcohols
2020, 40(11): 3853-3857
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006055
A mild method for the conversion of alkyl iodides to alcohols was developed. The transformation was promoted by tris(trimethylsilyl)silane/O2 and accelerated by photoredox catalysis under visible light irradiation conditions. Various alkyl iodides, including primary, secondary and tertiary iodides, can be smoothly converted to the corresponding alcohols in 38%~99% yields.
A mild method for the conversion of alkyl iodides to alcohols was developed. The transformation was promoted by tris(trimethylsilyl)silane/O2 and accelerated by photoredox catalysis under visible light irradiation conditions. Various alkyl iodides, including primary, secondary and tertiary iodides, can be smoothly converted to the corresponding alcohols in 38%~99% yields.
2020, 40(11): 3866-3872
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007005
A convenient K2S2O8-initiated radical cascade cyclization for the construction of 4-sulfonated cyclopenta[gh]-phenanthridines from 2-alkynylnitriles and sodium sulfinates has been explored under metal-free conditions. This protocol features mild conditions, good functional group tolerance and broad substrate scope. A variety of potentially bioactive 4-sulfonated cyclopenta[gh]phenanthridines were facilely synthesized via direct annulation.
A convenient K2S2O8-initiated radical cascade cyclization for the construction of 4-sulfonated cyclopenta[gh]-phenanthridines from 2-alkynylnitriles and sodium sulfinates has been explored under metal-free conditions. This protocol features mild conditions, good functional group tolerance and broad substrate scope. A variety of potentially bioactive 4-sulfonated cyclopenta[gh]phenanthridines were facilely synthesized via direct annulation.
2020, 40(11): 3873-3880
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006071
gem-Difluoroalkenes have wide applications in the drug designs and act as the synthon of molecules containing fluoride. The current researches on the electrochemical syntheses of gem-difluoroalkenes are limited to the silylation of enolated trifluoromethyl ketones. Herein, by using graphite felt as electrodes, the electrochemical allylic hydrodefluorination of α-trifluoromethyl cinnamates is realized using gaseous ammonia as hydrogen source, giving gem-difluorostyrenes in moderate to good yields. The usage of ammonia and graphite felt cathode is important to inhibit the cathodic hydrogen evolution, keeping the electron transfer from cathode to substrate with high selectivity. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) analyses support a stepwise electron transfer process to achieve the C—H bond formation and C—F bond cleavage.
gem-Difluoroalkenes have wide applications in the drug designs and act as the synthon of molecules containing fluoride. The current researches on the electrochemical syntheses of gem-difluoroalkenes are limited to the silylation of enolated trifluoromethyl ketones. Herein, by using graphite felt as electrodes, the electrochemical allylic hydrodefluorination of α-trifluoromethyl cinnamates is realized using gaseous ammonia as hydrogen source, giving gem-difluorostyrenes in moderate to good yields. The usage of ammonia and graphite felt cathode is important to inhibit the cathodic hydrogen evolution, keeping the electron transfer from cathode to substrate with high selectivity. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) analyses support a stepwise electron transfer process to achieve the C—H bond formation and C—F bond cleavage.
2020, 40(11): 3881-3888
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006075
The introduction of methyl group into aromatic compounds is a valuable transformation. A large number of known methods use organohalides as the starting materials. However, those methods require pre-synthesized methyl metal reagents or toxic methyl electrophiles. Herein, a palladium-catalyzed reductive coupling reaction between aryl bromides and trimethylsilyl-diazomethane is developed, and the following desilicification process can afford the methylated products. This transformation has broad functional group tolerance and allows methylation of (hetero)aryl halides in moderate to good yields. Thus, it has the potential to be an attractive approach for methylation of organic. In addition, this reductive coupling can also serve as an efficient way for the introduction of silylmethyl group.
The introduction of methyl group into aromatic compounds is a valuable transformation. A large number of known methods use organohalides as the starting materials. However, those methods require pre-synthesized methyl metal reagents or toxic methyl electrophiles. Herein, a palladium-catalyzed reductive coupling reaction between aryl bromides and trimethylsilyl-diazomethane is developed, and the following desilicification process can afford the methylated products. This transformation has broad functional group tolerance and allows methylation of (hetero)aryl halides in moderate to good yields. Thus, it has the potential to be an attractive approach for methylation of organic. In addition, this reductive coupling can also serve as an efficient way for the introduction of silylmethyl group.
2020, 40(11): 3895-3907
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005096
A Brønsted acid-catalyzed substitution reaction of 2-indolylmethanols with tryptophols has been established, which afforded a series of 2, 2'-bisindolylmethanes in high yields (up to 98% yield) with chemoselectivity. This protocol not only provides an efficient method for constructing biologically important 2, 2'-bisindolylmethane frameworks, but also has realized a substitution reaction of 2-indolylmethanols, which will enrich the chemical property of 2-indolylmethanols. Moreover, this approach has utilized the C(2)-nucleophilicity of tryptophols, which provided a good example for controlling the chemoselectivity in tryptophol-involved reactions.
A Brønsted acid-catalyzed substitution reaction of 2-indolylmethanols with tryptophols has been established, which afforded a series of 2, 2'-bisindolylmethanes in high yields (up to 98% yield) with chemoselectivity. This protocol not only provides an efficient method for constructing biologically important 2, 2'-bisindolylmethane frameworks, but also has realized a substitution reaction of 2-indolylmethanols, which will enrich the chemical property of 2-indolylmethanols. Moreover, this approach has utilized the C(2)-nucleophilicity of tryptophols, which provided a good example for controlling the chemoselectivity in tryptophol-involved reactions.
2020, 40(11): 3934-3943
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004027
Current 1, 6-conjugate addition typically focused on pre-synthesized para-quinone methides bearing a δ-mono substituent for tertiary stereocenter formation. Here, an efficient 1, 6-aza-conjugate addition of primary anilines to pre-prepared δ-CN-δ-aryl disubstituted para-quinone methides for facile access to sterically hindered amines with a fully substituted α-car-bon center has been described. The mild and expeditious method exhibited broad scopes of both aniline and para-quinone methide components. The generality of the method in modular preparation of medicinally valuable, sterically hindered amines was further demonstrated by using cyclic secondary amines like morpholine and imidazole as nucleophilic components.
Current 1, 6-conjugate addition typically focused on pre-synthesized para-quinone methides bearing a δ-mono substituent for tertiary stereocenter formation. Here, an efficient 1, 6-aza-conjugate addition of primary anilines to pre-prepared δ-CN-δ-aryl disubstituted para-quinone methides for facile access to sterically hindered amines with a fully substituted α-car-bon center has been described. The mild and expeditious method exhibited broad scopes of both aniline and para-quinone methide components. The generality of the method in modular preparation of medicinally valuable, sterically hindered amines was further demonstrated by using cyclic secondary amines like morpholine and imidazole as nucleophilic components.
2020, 40(11): 3944-3952
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004041
A visible-light driven asymmetric Giese radical addition catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral-at-metal rhodium complex has been developed. para-Aminobenzyl radicals generated from para-aminophenylacetic acids could undergo a 1, 4-addition in a highly enantioselective approach to α, β-unsaturated 2-acyl imidazoles, and a variety of corresponding adducts were obtained in moderate to high yields with excellent enantioselectivities. This reaction features high enantioselectivity, mild reaction conditions and an operationally simple procedure. A plausible reaction mechanism is proposed based on our research and literature precedents on dual functional chiral-at-metal catalysis.
A visible-light driven asymmetric Giese radical addition catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral-at-metal rhodium complex has been developed. para-Aminobenzyl radicals generated from para-aminophenylacetic acids could undergo a 1, 4-addition in a highly enantioselective approach to α, β-unsaturated 2-acyl imidazoles, and a variety of corresponding adducts were obtained in moderate to high yields with excellent enantioselectivities. This reaction features high enantioselectivity, mild reaction conditions and an operationally simple procedure. A plausible reaction mechanism is proposed based on our research and literature precedents on dual functional chiral-at-metal catalysis.
2020, 40(11): 3837-3846
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202006043
建立了一种能够选择性地发生环丙烷化反应和C—S键断裂反应的催化体系.对于乙烯基苯基硫醚和重氮乙腈(通过原位策略制备)间的反应,在氯化血红素的催化作用下,可得到环丙烷化反应产物;在铁酞菁的催化作用下,则得到C—S键断裂反应产物.该反应体系无需惰性气体保护、无需高温、室温下搅拌1 h即可以中等到优秀的产率获得对应的目标产物.
建立了一种能够选择性地发生环丙烷化反应和C—S键断裂反应的催化体系.对于乙烯基苯基硫醚和重氮乙腈(通过原位策略制备)间的反应,在氯化血红素的催化作用下,可得到环丙烷化反应产物;在铁酞菁的催化作用下,则得到C—S键断裂反应产物.该反应体系无需惰性气体保护、无需高温、室温下搅拌1 h即可以中等到优秀的产率获得对应的目标产物.
2020, 40(11): 3858-3865
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007021
在已报道的800多种箭毒蛙素生物碱中,batrachotoxin因其极强的心脏和神经毒活性和复杂的分子结构引起了多学科的广泛关注.设计了一条与已报道的三条batrachotoxinin A的全合成路线不同的A环与CDE环通过Diels-Alder反应构建B环和整个分子中五环骨架的新策略.由于A环片段为已知化合物,CDE骨架的构筑成为本策略的关键.通过对这一策略即官能化的CD环的构筑的初步探索,首先合成了2-烯丙基-1,3-环戊二酮,然后与1-己烯-3-酮发生Michael加成反应得三羰基化合物.接着着重探索了基于该底物的Hajos-Wiechert型反应,以75%的产率和81%的ee值合成了烯丙基取代的CD环.后者经七步进行官能化,转化为CDE骨架的前体.
在已报道的800多种箭毒蛙素生物碱中,batrachotoxin因其极强的心脏和神经毒活性和复杂的分子结构引起了多学科的广泛关注.设计了一条与已报道的三条batrachotoxinin A的全合成路线不同的A环与CDE环通过Diels-Alder反应构建B环和整个分子中五环骨架的新策略.由于A环片段为已知化合物,CDE骨架的构筑成为本策略的关键.通过对这一策略即官能化的CD环的构筑的初步探索,首先合成了2-烯丙基-1,3-环戊二酮,然后与1-己烯-3-酮发生Michael加成反应得三羰基化合物.接着着重探索了基于该底物的Hajos-Wiechert型反应,以75%的产率和81%的ee值合成了烯丙基取代的CD环.后者经七步进行官能化,转化为CDE骨架的前体.
2020, 40(11): 3889-3894
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005026
2020, 40(11): 3908-3915
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005025
2020, 40(11): 3916-3924
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202005014
根据薁五元环的富电子性和七元环的缺电子性,设计合成了两个基于引达省并二噻吩(IDT)和薁的同分异构体化合物1和2,对其紫外-可见吸收光谱、电化学及质子响应等物理化学性质进行了研究.化合物1和2在物理化学性质和有机场效应晶体管(OFET)器件性能方面表现出明显差异,均具有可逆的质子响应特性,质子化之前的末端吸收峰在400到600 nm之间,随着TFA的加入,吸收峰红移至550到850 nm之间,充分质子化时(TFA体积比约为1%)分别红移了约200和177 nm.化合物1和2质子化之前在二氯甲烷溶液中的颜色均为红色,充分质子化后变为蓝色,加入三乙胺恢复至原来的颜色.采用旋涂的方法制备了化合物1和2的OFET薄膜器件,其空穴迁移率表现出数量级的差异,分别为4.14×10-3和1.05×10-5 cm2·V-1·s-1.研究结果表明,薁通过缺电子的七元环和富电子的五元环与IDT不同的键连方式,对相应材料的OFET器件性能和物理化学性质有较大影响,为研究基于薁的有机功能分子提供了新思路.
根据薁五元环的富电子性和七元环的缺电子性,设计合成了两个基于引达省并二噻吩(IDT)和薁的同分异构体化合物1和2,对其紫外-可见吸收光谱、电化学及质子响应等物理化学性质进行了研究.化合物1和2在物理化学性质和有机场效应晶体管(OFET)器件性能方面表现出明显差异,均具有可逆的质子响应特性,质子化之前的末端吸收峰在400到600 nm之间,随着TFA的加入,吸收峰红移至550到850 nm之间,充分质子化时(TFA体积比约为1%)分别红移了约200和177 nm.化合物1和2质子化之前在二氯甲烷溶液中的颜色均为红色,充分质子化后变为蓝色,加入三乙胺恢复至原来的颜色.采用旋涂的方法制备了化合物1和2的OFET薄膜器件,其空穴迁移率表现出数量级的差异,分别为4.14×10-3和1.05×10-5 cm2·V-1·s-1.研究结果表明,薁通过缺电子的七元环和富电子的五元环与IDT不同的键连方式,对相应材料的OFET器件性能和物理化学性质有较大影响,为研究基于薁的有机功能分子提供了新思路.
2020, 40(11): 3925-3933
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202004025
2020, 40(11): 3953-3962
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202003050
为寻找新型乙酰羟酸合成酶(EC,AHAS)抑制剂以克服由靶标突变(P197L突变)所引起的杂草抗性问题,利用“构象柔性度分析”策略设计、合成了一系列烷氧基取代的嘧啶水杨酸衍生物.其中,9个化合物对P197L突变型AHAS的抗性倍数(RF值)均小于等于1,在酶水平上具有良好的反抗性.特别是2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5l),被进一步确定为该系列最有效的反抗性AHAS抑制剂(RF=0.31),不仅与氯磺隆(RF=2060)和双草醚(RF=4.57)相比抗性程度大幅降低,并且对野生型AtAHAS和P197L突变体的抑制活性均达到了亚微摩尔水平,优于双草醚.此外,在150 g ai/ha的施用剂量下,2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-(甲氧基)乙氧基)苯甲酸(5a)、2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(3-(甲氧基)丙氧基)苯甲酸(5f)、2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5l)和2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2,2-二氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5m)对敏感型和抗性(P197L-AHAS)播娘蒿同时表现出优异的除草活性.值得注意的是,即使在最低剂量37.5 g ai/ha下,化合物5l对这两种杂草的除草防效仍超过85%,表现出良好的活体反抗性,具有深入研究的价值.
为寻找新型乙酰羟酸合成酶(EC,AHAS)抑制剂以克服由靶标突变(P197L突变)所引起的杂草抗性问题,利用“构象柔性度分析”策略设计、合成了一系列烷氧基取代的嘧啶水杨酸衍生物.其中,9个化合物对P197L突变型AHAS的抗性倍数(RF值)均小于等于1,在酶水平上具有良好的反抗性.特别是2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5l),被进一步确定为该系列最有效的反抗性AHAS抑制剂(RF=0.31),不仅与氯磺隆(RF=2060)和双草醚(RF=4.57)相比抗性程度大幅降低,并且对野生型AtAHAS和P197L突变体的抑制活性均达到了亚微摩尔水平,优于双草醚.此外,在150 g ai/ha的施用剂量下,2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-(甲氧基)乙氧基)苯甲酸(5a)、2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(3-(甲氧基)丙氧基)苯甲酸(5f)、2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2-氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5l)和2-((4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)氧基)-6-(2,2-二氟乙氧基)苯甲酸(5m)对敏感型和抗性(P197L-AHAS)播娘蒿同时表现出优异的除草活性.值得注意的是,即使在最低剂量37.5 g ai/ha下,化合物5l对这两种杂草的除草防效仍超过85%,表现出良好的活体反抗性,具有深入研究的价值.
2020, 40(11): 3963-3968
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202007052
2020, 40(11): 3969-3970
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000073
2020, 40(11): 3971-3972
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000074
2020, 40(11): 3973-3975
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000075
2020, 40(11): 3976-3977
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000076
2020, 40(11): 3978-3979
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000077
2020, 40(11): 3980-3981
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000078
2020, 40(11): 3982-3983
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000079
2020, 40(11): 3984-3985
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000080
2020, 40(11): 3986-3987
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000081
2020, 40(11): 3988-3989
doi: 10.6023/cjoc202000082