柳青, 刘建宇, 王海水. NaHCO3溶液浓度改变引起的支配质子转移反应变化:从HCO3-质子自递反应到HCO3-水解反应[J]. 大学化学,
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Citation: Qing Liu, Jianyu Liu, Haishui Wang. Shift of the Dominant Proton Transfer Reaction from Autoprotolysis of HCO3- to Hydrolysis of HCO3- Caused by Concentration Change of the NaHCO3 Solution[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(1): 305-308. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202305080

Citation: Qing Liu, Jianyu Liu, Haishui Wang. Shift of the Dominant Proton Transfer Reaction from Autoprotolysis of HCO3- to Hydrolysis of HCO3- Caused by Concentration Change of the NaHCO3 Solution[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(1): 305-308. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202305080

NaHCO3水溶液中存在多个质子转移反应和多重化学平衡。随溶液浓度改变,各质子反应所占的相对比重将发生变化,与质子转移相关的产物H2CO3、H+、OH-和CO32-的相对含量也会发生变化。绘制了[H2CO3]、[H+]、[OH-]和[CO32-]随溶液浓度c变化的动态图。从动态图上,可以直观地观察到哪些酸碱组分是主要组分,哪些组分是次要组分。较浓溶液中,[H2CO3] ≈ [CO32-]>> [OH-] >> [H+],表明能够产生H+或OH-的质子反应占据次要地位,质子反应HCO3- + HCO3- ⇌ H2CO3+ CO32-占据支配地位。9.1×10-6 mol·L-1溶液中,[OH-] ≈ [H2CO3] >> [H+] ≈ [CO32-],表明质子反应H2O+ HCO3- ⇌ H2CO3+ OH-占据支配地位。极稀溶液中,[OH-] ≈ [H+] >> [H2CO3] > [CO32-],表明H2O ⇌ H++ OH-占据支配地位。溶液的酸碱性质主要由起支配作用的质子转移反应控制。
Shift of the Dominant Proton Transfer Reaction from Autoprotolysis of HCO3- to Hydrolysis of HCO3- Caused by Concentration Change of the NaHCO3 Solution
There are several proton transfer reactions and multiple chemical equilibria in NaHCO3 aqueous solution. As the concentration of the solution changes, the contents of H2CO3, H+, OH- and CO32-, which are related to proton transfer reactions, also change. The diagram of [H2CO3], [H+], [OH-] and [CO32-] with solution concentration c is plotted. From the diagram, we can directly observe which species are the major and which are the minor. In a high concentration, [H2CO3] ≈ [CO32-] >> [OH-] >> [H+], indicating that the proton reactions which can produce H+ or OH- are negligible, and HCO3- + HCO3- ⇌ H2CO3 + CO32- is the dominant. In 9.1×10-6 mol·L-1 solution, [OH-] ≈ [H2CO3] >> [H+] ≈ [CO32-], indicating that H2O + HCO3- ⇌ H2CO3 + OH- is the dominant. In an extremely dilute solution, [OH-] ≈ [H+] >> [H2CO3] > [CO32-], indicating that H2O ⇌ H+ + OH- dominates.
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