Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Photocatalytic Properties of Nickel(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer Based on 1-(3,5-Dicarboxybenzyl)-1H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylic Acid Ligand

Lao-bang WANG Ji-jiang WANG Er-lin YUE Long TANG Xiao WANG Xiang-yang HOU Yu-qi ZHANG

Citation:  Lao-bang WANG, Ji-jiang WANG, Er-lin YUE, Long TANG, Xiao WANG, Xiang-yang HOU, Yu-qi ZHANG. Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Photocatalytic Properties of Nickel(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer Based on 1-(3,5-Dicarboxybenzyl)-1H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylic Acid Ligand[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 37(4): 744-750. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2021.089 shu


    通讯作者: 王记江,
摘要: 用水热法合成了一个新的镍配位聚合物{[Ni2(L)(bib)1.5(H2O)4]·3H2O}n (1)(H4L=1-(3,5-二羧基苄基)-3,5-吡唑二羧酸, bib=1,4-双(1-咪唑基)苯), 通过单晶X射线衍射、元素分析和热重分析等方法对其结构进行表征。结构分析表明配合物1具有三维网状结构。通过变温磁化率测量发现, 配合物1中的Ni(Ⅱ)离子之间存在反铁磁相互作用。另外, 光催化实验表明, 配合物1对亚甲基蓝污染物的光催化降解效率达到了82.7%。


  • Coordination polymers (CPs)[1-2] as an appealing class of high ordered and crystalline porous functional materials have developed rapidly in the past two decades due to their novel and diverse structures and unique properties, and significant progress have been made in gas storage and separation[3], luminescent[4], sensors[5], drug carriers[6], heterogeneous catalysis[7], magnetism[8] and other fields[9-10].Great efforts have been made to construct CPs by a rational selection of metal ions and bridging/chelating organic ligands[11-12].Among these ligands, pyrazole carboxylic acids are one of the intriguing ones in constructing the CPs with interesting topologies and functional properties owing to their diversity of the coordination modes, high structural stability, good flexibility and strong coordination ability[13-14].For example, Li et al.[13] reported three Co(Ⅱ)-CPs based on the combination of flexible 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-bis(1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene and rigid 5-nitroisophthalate.Three new coordination polymers possessing two types of structures through employing a1-(3,5-dicarboxybenzyl)-3,5-pyrazole dicarboxylic acid(H4L) ligand and two various N-donor ligands under similar conditions were described by Hu and Liu[14].

    On the other hand, the influence of metal ions is also key factor for the preparation of CPs besides the impacts of the main ligand and ancillary ligand[15-16].Among these metal ions, the Ni(Ⅱ) ions were extensively used to construct CPs due to its nontoxic, abundant earth′s crust element, relatively large radius, relatively large electronegativity and a high ligand-field stabilization energy (LFSE)[17].Therefore, it is possible that they can generate CPs base on Ni(Ⅱ) ions with rich topological structures and various properties.

    Recently, we are interested in the construction of CPs from the carboxyl derivatives, such as terphenyl-2,2′, 4,4′-tetracarboxylic acid[18], 3,3′,5,5′-benzene-1,3-biy-ltetrabenzoic acid[19-20], 2,2′-oxybis(benzoic acid)[21-22] and 5-(3′,4′-dicarboxylphenoxy)isophthalic acid[23].They can coordinate with oxygen atoms from carboxyl groups and some auxiliary ligands with nitrogen atoms.As an extension of our investigation of CPs based on the carboxyl acid ligands, we combine H4L as the main ligand and 1,4-bis(1-imidazolyl)benzene)(bib) as the auxiliary ligand as well as Ni(Ⅱ) ion for the construction of CPs.Herein, we report the synthesis and structure characterization of a new Ni(Ⅱ)-CPs, namely{[Ni2(L)(bib)1.5(H2O)4]·3H2O}n (1).Furthermore, the thermogravimetric, magnetic and photocatalytic properties of complex 1 have been also investigated in detail.

    All synthetic reagents and solvents employed were commercially available and used directly without further purification.The C, H and N elemental analyses were conducted with a Perkin Elmer PE-2400 elemental analyzer.The FT-IR spectrum (400~4 000cm-1) was recorded on a Nicolet 170SX FT-IR spectrophotometer.Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed with a NETZSCH STA 449F3 thermal gravimetric analyzer in flowing nitrogen at a heating rate of 10 ℃·min-1.In a range of 2~300 K, the magnetic susceptibility data were investigated by using Quantum Design MPMS SQUID VSM instrument.The ultraviolet-visible spectra were measured using a UV-2700 spectrophotometer.Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns were recorded with a Bruker D8ADVANCE diffractometer operating at 40 kV and 40 mA using Cu radiation (λ=0.154 18 nm) at a scanning rate of 2 (°)·min-1 from 5° to 50°.

    A mixture of Ni(NO3)2·6H2O (29.1 mg, 0.10 mmol), H4L (16.7 mg, 0.05 mmol), bib (10.5 mg, 0.05 mmol), NaOH (8.00 mg, 0.20 mmol) and 13 mL H2O was stirred for 30 min and then placed in a 25 mL Teflon-lined stainless-steel vessel and heated at 160 ℃ for 4 d.Green block crystals of 1 were obtained.Yield: 34% (based on bib).Anal.Calcd.for C32H35N8O15Ni2(%): C, 43.23;H, 3.97;N, 12.60.Found(%): C, 43.45;H, 3.86;N, 12.82.IR (KBr, cm-1): 3 414 (w), 2 374 (w), 2 343 (w), 1 605 (s), 1 531 (s), 1 352 (w), 1 313 (s), 1 063 (w), 835 (s), 761 (w), 720 (w), 655 (w).

    Diffraction intensities for the complex 1 was collected at 293(2) K on a Buker SMART 1000 CCD diffractometer employing graphite-monochromated Mo radiation (λ=0.071 073 nm).A semiempirical absorption correction was applied using SADABS program[24].By using SHELXS 2014 and SHELXL 2014 programs, the structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares on F2[25, 26].All non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically and all of the hydrogens were geometrically placed in calculated positions.The detailed crystallographic data are presented in Table 1.Selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 2.

    Table 1

    Table 1.  Crystal data and structure refinement for complex 1
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    Empirical formula C32H35N8Ni2O15 μ / mm-1 1.087
    Formula weight 889.1 F(000) 918
    Crystal system Triclinic θ range / (°) 2.313~25.499
    Space group P1 Limiting indices -13 < h < 13,-13 < k < 7, -17 < l < 17
    a / nm 1.134 62(6) Reflection collected 9 835
    b / nm 1.145 61(6) Unique reflection 6 891
    c / nm 1.465 92(8) Parameter 510
    α/(°) 87.706 0(10) Completeness to θ / % 99.1
    β /(°) 86.263 0(10) Goodness of fit on F2 1.073
    γ /(°) 80.053 0(10) Final R, indices [I > 2σ(I)] R1=0.049 8, wR2=0.142 8
    V /nm3 1.872 01(17) R indices (all data) R1=0.063 1,wR2=0.150 3
    Z 2 Largest diff. peak, and hole / (e·nm-3) 1 620 and-810
    Dc /(g·cm-3) 1.577

    Table 2

    Table 2.  Table 2 Selected bond lengths (nm) and bond angles (°) for complex 1
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    N2—Ni3 0.211 6(3) Ni1—O9 0.208 3(3) Ni2—O12 0.208 1(3)
    N3—Ni1 0.205 6(3) Ni1—O10 0.216 1(3) Ni2—O11 0.211 3(3)
    N6—Ni3A 0.206 1(3) Ni2—O3B 0.203 8(3) Ni3—N6C 0.206 1(3)
    N7—Ni1 0.205 8(3) Ni2—O3 0.203 8(3) Ni3—O7 0.210 8(2)
    Ni1—O1 0.205 3(3) Ni2—O12B 0.208 1(3) Ni3—N2 0.210 8(2)
    O1—Nil—N7 91.61(12) O3—Ni2—O11B 87.07(12) O3—Ni2—O12B 91.52(11)
    O1—Ni1—N3 91.88(12) N6E—Ni3—N6D 180.00(18) O3D—Ni2—O11D 92.93(12)
    N7—Ni1—N3 94.49(13) N3—Ni1—O9 85.67(12) O12D—Ni2—O11D 89.01(12)
    O1—Ni1—O9 93.01(11) O9—Ni1—O10 88.59(12) O3—Ni2—O12 88.48(11)
    N7—Ni1—O9 175.37(11) O3D—Ni2—O3 180.0 N6F—Ni3—O7 89.65(11)
    Symmetry codes: A: x+1,y, z+1; B: -x+2,-y, -z; C: -x+2,-y+1,-z+1; D: x-1,y, z-1.

    CCDC: 2030837.

    The result of X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that complex 1 crystallizes in the triclinic system, P1 space group.The asymmetric unit of complex 1 comprises two Ni(Ⅱ) ions (Ni2 and Ni3 are located in special positions), one L4- ligand, one and a half bib ligands, four coordinated water molecules as well as three free water molecules (O14,O15,O16, and O17are placed in special positions).As shown in Fig. 1, Ni1center coordinates two oxygen atoms from two L4- ligands, two nitrogen atoms from two bib ligands and two oxygen atoms from two water molecules, displaying a slightly distorted octahedron coordination geometry.Ni2 coordinates two oxygen atoms from two L4- ligands and two oxygen atoms from two water molecules.Ni3 coordinates two oxygen atoms from two individual L4- ligands, four nitrogen atoms from two bib ligands and two L4- ligands.All the Ni—O (0.203 9(3)~0.216 2(4)nm) and Ni—N (0.205 4(4)~0.212 5(4) nm) bond lengths fall into the normal ranges (Table 2).

    Figure 1

    Figure 1.  Coordination environment of Ni(Ⅱ) in 1

    The coordination mode of H4L connecting four Ni(Ⅱ) ions in complex 1 is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 3 indicates that in the ab plane, the carboxylic acid groups of H4L are connected with Ni(Ⅱ) ions to form a similar “step-like” structure.The horizontal direction of the step is the side containing the benzene ring of H 4L, and the vertical direction is the side containing the imidazole ring.Therefore, the 2D structure of 1 is formed.The "step-like" structure is connected by N atoms at both ends of bib to form a 3D structure in ab plane, asshown in Fig. 4.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2.  Coordination mode of H4L ligand in 1

    Figure 3

    Figure 3.  Two-dimensional framework of 1

    Figure 4

    Figure 4.  Three-dimensional framework of 1

    To determine the thermal stability of complex 1, TGA experiment was conducted under a nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 ℃·min-1(Fig. 5).As depicted in Fig. 5, the first weight loss of 14.29% for complex 1 was in a range from 25 to 195 ℃ corresponding to the removal of four coordinated H2O and three free water (Calcd.14.17%).The 3D supramolecular framework started to decompose upon further heating up to about 370 ℃, and the remaining weight of 16.52% might be NiO (Calcd.16.80%).A DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) curve can provide the enthalpy change and starting temperature associated with physical or chemical changes.The DSC curve in Fig. 5 indicated that there were two obviously endothermic peaks corresponding to the loss of coordination water as well as free water and the collapse of the complex framework.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5.  TGA and DSC curves for 1

    Under a static field of 1 kOe, the variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurement of complex 1 was investigated in a range of 2 to 300 K[27](Fig. 6).Over 30 K, the relationship between reciprocal susceptibility and T obeyed the Curie-Weiss Law (χM=C/(T-θ)) with C=5.778 cm3·K·mol-1 and θ=-3.8 K, demonstrating the antiferromagnetic interaction between Ni(Ⅱ) ions.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6.  Plots of χM and 1/χM vs T for complex 1
    2.4.1   Absorption spectrum and optical gap

    The solid state UV-Vis diffuse-reflectance spectra of complex 1 and H4L ligand were examined at room temperature (Fig. 7), respectively.It can be found that the absorption peak of complex 1 was wider and stronger than that of H4L ligand in the visible light region(greater than 400 nm).Complex 1 exhibited the main absorption peak at 280 nm in the ultraviolet region and at near 652 nm in the visible region.In addition, we drew the graph according to the Kubelka-Munk equation[28-29] and the line extrapolated from the linear portion of the adsorption edge in a plot of Kubelka-Munk function F versus energy E[30].Complex 1 behaved as a semiconductor with a band gap of 2.85 eV (Fig. 8).This suggests that it could be used as a photocatalyst using ultraviolet radiation.

    Figure 7

    Figure 7.  UV-Vis diffuse-reflectance spectra of H4L and 1

    Figure 8

    Figure 8.  Kubelka-Munk transformed diffuse reflectance spectra of 1
    2.4.2   Photocatalytic degradation of the organic pollutant

    In this work, a 500 W xenon lamp (with a visible light filter above 420 nm) was used to provide the visible light source.Methylene blue (MB, 25 mL, 10 mg·L-1) was selected as the representative to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of complex 1 by studying degradation of organic pollutants.A comparative experiment without any catalyst was also investigated under the same conditions.In the process of photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, when H2O2(30%) was present, the·OH concentration increased, indicating H2O2(30%) played an important role in degradation process.So, we chose MB as the target product of the photocatalytic degradation activity experiment of complex 1, and chose to add H2O2 to improve the photocatalytic degradation efficiency.By measuring the absorption intensity at λ=664 nm, we could estimate the photocatalytic activity.The results showed that the degradation rate of MB solution increased by 20% in the system with 80 µL of H2O2(Fig. 9).Then, we tested the degradation effect of complex 1 on MB in the presence of H2O2.Under the same experimental conditions, the control experiment without H2O2 was carried out.The efficiencies of MB degradation for complex 1 are shown in Fig. 10.It can be seen from Fig. 10 that when H2O2 was present, the degradation of MB solution by complex 1 was very obvious.Fig. 11 shows the degradation efficiency curves of MB solution.It can be seen that 82.7% MB was photodegraded in the presence of complex 1 and H2O2 after 180 min.In the control experiment, after the same time of illumination, the degradation efficiency in the absence of 1 was less than 20%.These results indicate that complex 1 may have potential applications in photocatalytic materials.

    Figure 9

    Figure 9.  (a) Time-varying UV-Vis spectra of MB solution degraded by visible light in the presence of H2O2; (b) c/c0 of MB solution versus time

    Figure 10

    Figure 10.  Time-varying UV-Vis spectra of MB solution degraded by complex 1 under visible light in the absence of H2O2(a)and presence of H2O2(b)

    Figure 11

    Figure 11.  Degradation efficiency of MB in solution under different conditions

    To confirm the recyclability of complex 1 after degradation, the PXRD pattern of complex 1 was measured.The PXRD experimental and simulated patterns are presented in Fig. 12.Complex 1 performed excellent recyclability because the PXRD pattern of complex 1 after degradation was in accordance with the simulated one.

    Figure 12

    Figure 12.  PXRD patterns of 1

    In summary, a novel Ni(Ⅱ) coordination polymer based on a main pyrazole carboxylic acid ligand (H4L) and an auxiliary N-donor ligand (bib) was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method.The investigation of crystallographic structure of complex 1 indicates that it features a 3D network framework.Magnetic studies reveal that there is an antiferromagnetic interaction between Ni(Ⅱ) ions in complex 1.Additionally, the investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue suggests that complex 1 may be an excellent candidate for the degradation of MB.

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  • Figure 1  Coordination environment of Ni(Ⅱ) in 1

    Figure 2  Coordination mode of H4L ligand in 1

    Figure 3  Two-dimensional framework of 1

    Figure 4  Three-dimensional framework of 1

    Figure 5  TGA and DSC curves for 1

    Figure 6  Plots of χM and 1/χM vs T for complex 1

    Figure 7  UV-Vis diffuse-reflectance spectra of H4L and 1

    Figure 8  Kubelka-Munk transformed diffuse reflectance spectra of 1

    Figure 9  (a) Time-varying UV-Vis spectra of MB solution degraded by visible light in the presence of H2O2; (b) c/c0 of MB solution versus time

    Figure 10  Time-varying UV-Vis spectra of MB solution degraded by complex 1 under visible light in the absence of H2O2(a)and presence of H2O2(b)

    Figure 11  Degradation efficiency of MB in solution under different conditions

    Figure 12  PXRD patterns of 1

    Table 1.  Crystal data and structure refinement for complex 1

    Empirical formula C32H35N8Ni2O15 μ / mm-1 1.087
    Formula weight 889.1 F(000) 918
    Crystal system Triclinic θ range / (°) 2.313~25.499
    Space group P1 Limiting indices -13 < h < 13,-13 < k < 7, -17 < l < 17
    a / nm 1.134 62(6) Reflection collected 9 835
    b / nm 1.145 61(6) Unique reflection 6 891
    c / nm 1.465 92(8) Parameter 510
    α/(°) 87.706 0(10) Completeness to θ / % 99.1
    β /(°) 86.263 0(10) Goodness of fit on F2 1.073
    γ /(°) 80.053 0(10) Final R, indices [I > 2σ(I)] R1=0.049 8, wR2=0.142 8
    V /nm3 1.872 01(17) R indices (all data) R1=0.063 1,wR2=0.150 3
    Z 2 Largest diff. peak, and hole / (e·nm-3) 1 620 and-810
    Dc /(g·cm-3) 1.577
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    Table 2.  Table 2 Selected bond lengths (nm) and bond angles (°) for complex 1

    N2—Ni3 0.211 6(3) Ni1—O9 0.208 3(3) Ni2—O12 0.208 1(3)
    N3—Ni1 0.205 6(3) Ni1—O10 0.216 1(3) Ni2—O11 0.211 3(3)
    N6—Ni3A 0.206 1(3) Ni2—O3B 0.203 8(3) Ni3—N6C 0.206 1(3)
    N7—Ni1 0.205 8(3) Ni2—O3 0.203 8(3) Ni3—O7 0.210 8(2)
    Ni1—O1 0.205 3(3) Ni2—O12B 0.208 1(3) Ni3—N2 0.210 8(2)
    O1—Nil—N7 91.61(12) O3—Ni2—O11B 87.07(12) O3—Ni2—O12B 91.52(11)
    O1—Ni1—N3 91.88(12) N6E—Ni3—N6D 180.00(18) O3D—Ni2—O11D 92.93(12)
    N7—Ni1—N3 94.49(13) N3—Ni1—O9 85.67(12) O12D—Ni2—O11D 89.01(12)
    O1—Ni1—O9 93.01(11) O9—Ni1—O10 88.59(12) O3—Ni2—O12 88.48(11)
    N7—Ni1—O9 175.37(11) O3D—Ni2—O3 180.0 N6F—Ni3—O7 89.65(11)
    Symmetry codes: A: x+1,y, z+1; B: -x+2,-y, -z; C: -x+2,-y+1,-z+1; D: x-1,y, z-1.
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  • 发布日期:  2021-04-10
  • 收稿日期:  2020-09-17
  • 修回日期:  2021-01-30
通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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