β-Pb3P2S8: A new optical crystal with exceptional birefringence effect

Weiping Guo Ying Zhu Hong-Hua Cui Lingyun Li Yan Yu Zhong-Zhen Luo Zhigang Zou

Citation:  Weiping Guo, Ying Zhu, Hong-Hua Cui, Lingyun Li, Yan Yu, Zhong-Zhen Luo, Zhigang Zou. β-Pb3P2S8: A new optical crystal with exceptional birefringence effect[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2025, 36(2): 110256. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.110256 shu

β-Pb3P2S8: A new optical crystal with exceptional birefringence effect


  • Birefringent crystals are a critical type of optoelectronic materials that are used to regulate and detect the polarization state of light in optical devices. It is widely used in laser polarization technology, optical isolators, optical communications, phase compensators, etc. [1-6]. Over the past few years, several birefringent crystals have been commercially used, including YVO4 (0.204@532 nm) [7], TiO2 (0.256@546 nm) [8], CaCO3 (0.172@532 nm) [9], LiNbO3 (0.074@546 nm) [10], and α-BaB2O4 (0.122@546 nm) [11]. However, these crystals have significant disadvantages, such as the defects and impurities in CaCO3 and TiO2 crystals. The high production costs for YVO4, LiNbO3, and α-BaB2O4. Thus, new birefringent crystals with the advantages of high birefringence, large transmittance range, and good physical and chemical stability are urgently desired.

    Chalcogenides are widely used as optical function materials since they have a wide infrared (IR) transmittance range covering the important atmospheric windows (3−5 and 8−12 µm) [12-17]. However, very few reports of chalcogenide birefringent crystals can be commercially applied. The main question is that the measured birefringence value difficultly reaches the level of oxide crystals. Meanwhile, the strong absorption in the IR waveband limited the application of oxide crystals. Therefore, looking for a new chalcogenide with large birefringence is a current research focus. It has widely been received that the birefringence value is related to the structural anisotropy of the crystal. Large structure anisotropy is the benefit of obtaining the large birefringence [18-20]. At present, the improvement of birefringence can be achieved by introducing highly anisotropic functional motifs, such as the planar triangle arrangement of [BS3] and [B3S6] units in the thioborate system, the Pb2+, Sn2+, and Sb3+ with stereochemical active lone pair, the transition metal d0 cations V5+, Ti4+, and Nb5+ with octahedron coordination [21-23]. These motifs could play a critical role in the birefringence. For example, the NaBaBS3 with the π-conjugated [BS3] planar unit features a birefringence of 0.177 at 550 nm [24]. The β-BaGa2Se4 with strong structure anisotropy of one dimensional (1D) [GaSe2] chain exhibits a large experimental birefringence of 0.18 at 550 nm [25]. The band gap (Eg) is also an important parameter for an optical material, which determines the transmittance cutoff edge in the application. Meanwhile, the thiophosphate with strong electronegativity in the P−S bond could benefit from obtaining the large Eg. In addition, designing compounds with few components is beneficial to the growth of single crystals. Therefore, based on the thiophosphate system, introducing the anisotropic structure units is a feasible way to obtain optical material with large birefringence.

    This work introduced the highly electronegativity P5+ and 6s2 lone-pair electrons of Pb2+ into the Pb−P−S system [26-28]. A new lead-based thiophosphate phase of β-Pb3P2S8, was obtained by the high-temperature solid-state spontaneous crystallization method. The β-Pb3P2S8 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group, while the other phase of known α-Pb3P2S8 belongs to the cubic crystal system [29]. As we know, the cubic system is optically isotropic. Therefore, the birefringence of α-Pb3P2S8 is zero. Meanwhile, the consistent arranged [PbSn] polyhedral layers in β-Pb3P2S8 could effectively increase the structural anisotropy, while the arrangement mode in α-Pb3P2S8 is irregular. The orthorhombic phase of β-Pb3P2S8 realizes the decrease of symmetry, which can be a candidate as the birefringence crystal. Due to the introduction of high electronegativity P5+, the β-Pb3P2S8 possesses a moderate Eg (2.37 eV) in the thiophosphate-based compounds optical crystal system. The IR spectrum and thermogravimetric analysis measurements indicate that β-Pb3P2S8 has a wide transmittance range and excellent thermal stability. In addition, the birefringence measurement was performed by a polarizing microscope. This crystal has an exceptional birefringence effect of 0.26@550 nm, which is the largest value for experiment-reported chalcogenides and larger than that of commercialized birefringent crystals. Furthermore, the theoretical calculation of birefringence (0.23@550 nm) is close to the experimental value, demonstrating the accuracy of the test. The exceptional birefringence effect can be attributed to the collaborative contribution between lone-pair electrons of Pb2+ and parallelly arranged polyhedral layers in β-Pb3P2S8.

    The β-Pb3P2S8 crystallizes in the orthorhombic centrosymmetry Pbcn space group with unit cell parameters of a = 12.8708(8) Å, b = 9.6073(6) Å, c = 10.2685(7) Å, V = 1269.74(14) Å3, and Z = 4. There are two crystallography unique Pb atoms (Wyckoff sites: 8d and 4c), one P atom (Wyckoff site: 8d), and four S atoms (Wyckoff site: 8d) in an asymmetric unit. The detailed crystal refinement data for β-Pb3P2S8 is shown in Table 1. The bond valance calculations (Pb: 1.760−1.797; P: 5.301; S: 1.524−2.053) indicate that Pb, P, and S atoms are in valence states of +2, +5, and −2 (Table S1 in Supporting information), which confirms that the reasonable structure solution. The bond lengths of Pb−S range from 2.846(3) Å to 3.231(3) Å (Table S3 in Supporting information), which is consistent with some known Pb-based sulfides, such as PbGa4S7 (Pb−S: 2.742(3)−3.533(3) Å) [30], Pb4Ga4GeS12 (Pb−S: 2.827(5)−3.375(4) Å) [31] and PbU2S5 (Pb−S: 2.786(16)−3.103(16) Å) [32]. The bond lengths of P−S are range from 2.014(5) Å to 2.068(4) Å (Table S3), which is consistent with the CuHgPS4 (P−S: 2.056(3)−2.061(3) Å) [33], Eu2P2S6 (P−S: 1.979(6)−2.061(6) Å) [26], and Hg3P2S8 (P−S: 2.036(5)−2.080(5) Å) [34]. In order to better describe the structural characteristics, we only considered Pb−S bonds with lengths less than 3.11 Å as [PbSn] polyhedrons. As shown in Fig. 1a and Fig. S1 (Supporting information), the crystal structure of β-Pb3P2S8 is composed of [Pb(1)S5] tetragonal pyramid, [Pb(2)S4] distorted tetrahedron, and [PS4] tetrahedron. The [PS4] tetrahedra are arranged in reverse parallel pairs in the ac plane while not connected with each other (red-shaded area). The [PS4] tetrahedra are edge-shared and vertex-shared with [Pb(1)S5] tetragonal pyramids and [Pb(2)S4] tetrahedra (Fig. S12a in Supporting information), forming the 3D structure (Fig. 1c), eventually.

    Table 1

    Table 1.  Crystal information and structure refinement data for β-Pb3P2S8.
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    Figure 1

    Figure 1.  Crystal structures of β-Pb3P2S8 and α-Pb3P2S8: (a) The arrangement of [PS4] tetrahedra and Pb atoms in β-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (b) The whole structure framework diagram of α-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (c) The whole structure framework diagram of β-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (d) The [Pb3S4] polyhedral layer in β-Pb3P2S8.

    As displayed in Fig. 1b and Fig. S1, the α-Pb3P2S8 is composed of [PS4] and [Pb(1)S4] tetrahedra. The [PS4] tetrahedra are edge-shared with [Pb(1)S4] tetrahedra forming the 3D structure (Fig. S12b in Supporting information). At the same time, the inconsistent arrangement of basic build units (BBUs) is not conducive to improving the structural anisotropy. And α-Pb3P2S8 belongs to the cubic system, which has no optical anisotropy. However, in the structure of β-Pb3P2S8, the BBUs rank more regularly along the b-axis direction. As shown in Fig. 1d, the [Pb(1)S5] tetragonal pyramids are vertex-shared with [Pb(2)S4] tetrahedra forming the [Pb3S4] polyhedral layer in ac plane. Eventually, the alternately arranged [Pb3S4] polyhedral layers and [PS4] tetrahedra improve the optical anisotropy in β-Pb3P2S8 (Fig. 1c).

    The polycrystalline of β-Pb3P2S8 was synthesized through the high-temperature solid-state spontaneous crystallization method with additional Cu. However, Cu does not participate in the synthesis of the Pb−P−S system and produces the by-product of Cu3PS4. The Cu may act as a cocatalyst in the synthesis process. A similar situation was also reported in Cs5Ga9S16, RbGa5S8, CsGa5S8, and CsLiGa6S10 with the additional elements added before the synthesis [35-37]. In addition, the synthesis process of known α-Pb3P2S8 was grown by the two-step vapor transport reaction in a gradient furnace with I2 transport agent [29]. The synthesis method is completely different for them. The β-Pb3P2S8 phase was tested by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement (Fig. S2 in Supporting information), in which the experimental XRD curve matched well with the simulated XRD curve of β-Pb3P2S8 phase calculated from the Crystallographic Information File (CIF). The diffraction peaks do not match the simulated α-Pb3P2S8 phase, indicating the successfully synthesized new β-Pb3P2S8 phase. In addition, the phase purity was measured by the refined powder XRD for β-Pb3P2S8 (Fig. S3 in Supporting information). The energy-dispersive spectrum (EDS) result is shown in Fig. S4 (Supporting information). The Pb, P, and S elements were detected and distributed uniformly on a single crystal surface. The ratio of elements is 2.95:2:7.85, close to the chemical formula of β-Pb3P2S8. In addition, the Raman spectrum of β-Pb3P2S8 is presented in Fig. S5 (Supporting information), in which the peaks at 379 cm−1 and 561 cm−1 belong to the vibration modes of the P−S bond, the absorption peaks at 195 cm−1 and 248 cm−1 could be assigned to the Pb−S bond vibration.

    The thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of β-Pb3P2S8 was measured from 300 K to 1273 K under the N2 atmosphere. As shown in Fig. S6 (Supporting information), the β-Pb3P2S8 is stabilized to 990 K and has begun to decompose. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) curve shows an endothermic peak at 1099 K, indicating the phase decomposition behavior of β-Pb3P2S8. In order to measure the phase stability of β-Pb3P2S8 with temperature change, the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and temperature-dependent XRD measurements were executed. As shown in Fig. S7 (Supporting information), the heating and cooling DSC curves show no endothermic or exothermic peak from 300 K to 773 K, indicating the non-phase transition behavior for β-Pb3P2S8. Meanwhile, the temperature-dependent XRD measurement in Fig. S8 (Supporting information) shows that the β-Pb3P2S8 has the same diffraction peaks from 300 K to 723 K, also indicating the irreversible phase transition between the α- and β-Pb3P2S8. The UV–vis-NIR diffuse reflection spectrum for β-Pb3P2S8 was collected by the polycrystalline powder displayed in Fig. 2a. The reflection spectrum indicates that β-Pb3P2S8 has moderate visible light transmittance (including 550 nm). The experimental Eg result is approximately 2.37 eV in accordance with the orange color of the crystal, converted by the Kubelka-Munk function. Compared with the Eg in the lead-based chalcogenides optical crystal system (Table S5 in Supporting information), the β-Pb3P2S8 has a large Eg and attains the requirement for optical material. The IR spectrum is shown in Fig. 2b with no obvious absorption peak between 2.5−15 µm, which indicates that β-Pb3P2S8 has high IR transmittance and covers the two critical atmospheric windows of 3−5 and 8−12 µm. However, the IR transmittance spectra for the pressed pellet of "KBr + powder" samples are always wider than the single crystals [38]. The larger and higher quality of β-Pb3P2S8 single crystals need to be synthesized to obtain the accurate transmittance spectrum.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2.  (a) The experimental Eg from UV–vis-near infrared diffuse reflection spectrum of β-Pb3P2S8 and (b) IR spectrum measurement of β-Pb3P2S8.

    The birefringence of β-Pb3P2S8 was measured by the polarizing microscope. One smooth plate single crystal was selected for testing. As shown in Fig. S10 (Supporting information), the β-Pb3P2S8 achieves complete extinction under the orthogonal polarized light. The optical path difference (R) was tested to be 2.471 µm with a thickness (T) of 9.33 µm. The measured crystal face is (001), which was determined by the single crystal diffractometer (Fig. S9 in Supporting information). According to the birefringence calculated formula of R = |NeNo| × T = Δn × T [39], the experimental birefringence value of β-Pb3P2S8 is calculated to be 0.26. Because the measured crystal face may not be the most anisotropic in the structure, the actual birefringence of β-Pb3P2S8 is larger than or equal to 0.26@550 nm. Interestingly, it surpasses the commercialized birefringence materials at present, such as CaCO3 (0.172@532 nm) [9], YVO4 (0.204@532 nm) [7], α-BaB2O4 (0.122@532 nm) [11], and TiO2 (0.256@546 nm) [8]. Meanwhile, compared with the reported experimental birefringence of the chalcogenides system (Fig. 3) [24,25,40-45], the β-Pb3P2S8 possesses the highest birefringence in the chalcogenides under 550 nm. It demonstrates the huge potential for application as a newly birefringence crystal.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3.  Compared with the reported experimental birefringence values in the chalcogenides at 550 nm.

    In order to further comprehend the origin of the optical properties in the structure, the first-principles calculations based on the density function theory (DFT) method were performed in the Cambridge Sequential Total Energy Package (CASTEP). As shown in Fig. 4a, the electronic band structural calculation result indicates that β-Pb3P2S8 is an indirect band gap compound of 2.1 eV with valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) situated at G and Z points, respectively. The calculated result shows the difference from the experimental value of 2.37 eV, caused by the discontinuity of exchange-correlation energy [46]. In addition, the calculated birefringence in Fig. 4b shows that β-Pb3P2S8 has a large value of 0.23@550 nm, consistent with the experimental result. The calculated total density of states (DOS) and partial density of states (PDOS) are shown in Fig. S14 (Supporting information). The VBM is mainly dominated by S-3p orbital, Pb-6s orbital, and Pb-6p orbital. In comparison, the major contribution of the CBM is from the S-3p orbital and the Pb-6p orbital, with little from the P-3p orbital. Therefore, the Pb-6p orbital and S-3p orbital concentrated on the VBM and CBM stands for the strong hybridization between [PbSn] polyhedrons, indicating that the optical properties of β-Pb3P2S8 are mainly determined by Pb−S bond. In addition, a method of Barder charge analysis was used to evaluate the concrete birefringence contributions of ions for β-Pb3P2S8 [47]. As a result, the Pb2+ contributes 28.56% to birefringence, S2− contributes 71.68% to birefringence, but P5+ produces the opposite contribution of −0.24% to birefringence. Thus, it shows that [PbSn] polyhedron plays a vital role in the birefringence of β-Pb3P2S8.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4.  (a) Calculated electronic band structure of β-Pb3P2S8 and (b) the calculated refractive index curves of β-Pb3P2S8.

    In summary, a new thiophosphate phase of β-Pb3P2S8 was synthesized by the high-temperature solid-state method to meet the requirement of birefringent crystals in the infrared band. The β-Pb3P2S8 exhibits a large Eg ~2.37 eV in the lead-based chalcogenides system, a wide infrared transparent window (2.5−15 µm), and excellent thermal stability. In comparison, the arrangement of structural units in α-Pb3P2S8 is irregular, deteriorating the structural anisotropy. On the contrary, the parallelly arranged [Pb3S4] polyhedral layers in β-Pb3P2S8 improve structural anisotropy. The exceptional birefringence effect of β-Pb3P2S8 is 0.26@550 nm, which is the highest value in reported chalcogenides. The result of the theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental birefringence. The Barder charge analysis shows that Pb2+ and S2− contribute mainly to birefringence, indicating the strong hybridization of [PbSn] polyhedrons. More importantly, the strong anisotropy of polyhedron layered stack structure offers a new viewpoint to the design and synthesis of chalcogenides with exceptional birefringence effect.

    The authors declare no competing financial interest.

    Weiping Guo: Writing – original draft, Methodology, Investigation, Data curation. Ying Zhu: Methodology, Investigation. Hong-Hua Cui: Investigation, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Lingyun Li: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Methodology, Investigation, Conceptualization. Yan Yu: Writing – review & editing, Resources, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization. Zhong-Zhen Luo: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Resources, Methodology, Funding acquisition, Data curation, Conceptualization. Zhigang Zou: Resources, Project administration, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.

    This study was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52102218), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2020YFA0710303), and the Fujian Science & Technology Innovation Laboratory for Optoelectronic Information of China (No. 2021ZZ127). The authors acknowledge the Minjiang Scholar Professorship (No. GXRC-21004) and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (No. 2021J01594). The authors thank Prof. Sangen Zhao at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter for helping with the birefringence measurement.

    Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cclet.2024.110256.

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  • Figure 1  Crystal structures of β-Pb3P2S8 and α-Pb3P2S8: (a) The arrangement of [PS4] tetrahedra and Pb atoms in β-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (b) The whole structure framework diagram of α-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (c) The whole structure framework diagram of β-Pb3P2S8 along the a-axis. (d) The [Pb3S4] polyhedral layer in β-Pb3P2S8.

    Figure 2  (a) The experimental Eg from UV–vis-near infrared diffuse reflection spectrum of β-Pb3P2S8 and (b) IR spectrum measurement of β-Pb3P2S8.

    Figure 3  Compared with the reported experimental birefringence values in the chalcogenides at 550 nm.

    Figure 4  (a) Calculated electronic band structure of β-Pb3P2S8 and (b) the calculated refractive index curves of β-Pb3P2S8.

    Table 1.  Crystal information and structure refinement data for β-Pb3P2S8.

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  • 发布日期:  2025-02-15
  • 收稿日期:  2024-05-30
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  • 修回日期:  2024-06-22
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-07-15
通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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