Citation: Feng Sheng, Gao Wenbo, Cao Hujun, Guo Jianping, Chen Ping. Advances in the Chemical Looping Ammonia Synthesis[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2020, 78(9): 916-927. doi: 10.6023/A20060207 shu

Advances in the Chemical Looping Ammonia Synthesis

  • Corresponding author: Guo Jianping,
  • Received Date: 4 June 2020
    Available Online: 9 July 2020

    Fund Project: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21872137, 21922205) and Youth Innovation Promotion Association Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2018213).the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21922205Youth Innovation Promotion Association Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018213the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21872137


  • Ammonia is not only the main raw material of nitrogen fertilizer, but also a promising energy carrier for the storage and utilization of renewable energy. The fossil fuel-based Haber-Bosch ammonia synthesis industry is an energy-consuming and high CO2-emission process. For the sustainable growth of human society, it is critically important to develop "green" ammonia synthesis processes driven by renewable energies. This scenario motivates growing interests on ammonia synthesis via heterogeneous catalysis, electro-chemical and photo-chemical routes as well as chemical looping process. Chemical looping ammonia synthesis (CLAS) process involves a series of individual reactions which produce ammonia in a distinctly different manner to the catalytic process. The CLAS could be operated under ambient pressure, and the switching on/off operation is flexible. Therefore, CLAS may be more amenable to variable and intermittent operation compared to the conventional catalytic process. More importantly, the competitive adsorption of N2 and H2 or H2O in the catalytic process can be circumvented to a great extent, which opens new opportunities for the design and development of nitrogen carriers especially for low-temperature ammonia production. Because of these unique features, the application of chemical looping technology for ammonia synthesis has been received increasing attention in recent years. The development of high-efficiency nitrogen carriers is the key component for the implementation of CLAS. A wide range of materials including metal nitrides, metal imides, nitride-hydrides and oxynitrides have been evaluated as nitrogen carriers for CLAS. The knowledge accumulated during the past decade will no doubt beneficial for the further optimization and development of nitrogen carriers. This article reviews the research progress in the field of chemical looping ammonia synthesis in recent years, with the focuses on the materials development of nitrogen carriers in CLAS. Furthermore, the challenges and future directions of CLAS are also discussed. With the development of nitrogen carriers and process design, CLAS would potentially play an important role in the green ammonia synthesis as well as the future energy system.
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