Citation: Yang Ying, Lin Feiyu, Zhu Congtan, Chen Tian, Ma Shupeng, Luo Yuan, Zhu Liu, Guo Xueyi. Research Progress in the Stability of Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2020, 78(3): 217-231. doi: 10.6023/A19110411 shu

Research Progress in the Stability of Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells

  • Corresponding author: Guo Xueyi,
  • Received Date: 22 November 2019
    Available Online: 13 January 2020

    Fund Project: Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned overseas Chinese Scholar; Postgraduate Independent Exploration and Innovation Projects of Central South University 2019zzts944Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61774169), Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned overseas Chinese Scholar; Postgraduate Independent Exploration and Innovation Projects of Central South University (Nos. 2019zzts944, 502211922)Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned overseas Chinese Scholar; Postgraduate Independent Exploration and Innovation Projects of Central South University 502211922the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61774169


  • In recent years, the efficiency of perovskite solar cells has developed rapidly, but its stability is limited by the influence of heat, light and water. All-inorganic perovskite formed by inorganic cations instead of organic cations shows improved thermal stability, high light absorption and adjustable band gap. The photoelectric conversion efficiency of all-inorganic perovskite solar cells has been improved to 19.03% at present. Among them, CsPbI3 perovskite solar cells have good photoelectric performance but poor stability, while CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells have excellent stability but poor photoelectric performance of devices. In this paper, the influence of preparation method, film doping and interface modification on the stability of inorganic perovskite solar cells is systematically summarized. The reasons behind the instability of inorganic perovskite and the improvement methods are emphatically analyzed. In conclusion, improving the stability of inorganic perovskite light absorbing materials by film doping, surface passivation and morphology control such as low dimensional materials preparation can effectively improve the stability of the overall device, which provides the basis for further commercialization. In addition, it is of great significance to study the theory of charge transfer and recombination and establish a complete theoretical system for improving the performance and stability of the device. At present, most of perovskite contains harmful elements Pb. How to replace Pb and find new materials applied in perovskite solar cells is also the future development trend. In a word, as a new type of solar cell, inorganic perovskite solar cell is expected to contribute to the photovoltaic development of the future society.
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