Citation: Yan Tingting, Xing Guolong, Ben Teng. One-step Strategy to Synthesize Porous Carbons by Carbonized Porous Organic Materials and Their Applications[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2018, 76(5): 366-376. doi: 10.6023/A18020050 shu

One-step Strategy to Synthesize Porous Carbons by Carbonized Porous Organic Materials and Their Applications

  • Corresponding author: Ben Teng,
  • Received Date: 1 February 2018
    Available Online: 9 May 2018

    Fund Project: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21390394, 21471065) and the "111" project (No. B07016)the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21471065the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21390394the "111" project B07016


  • It is an effective way to solve the problems of environmental pollution and energy shortage by exploring and utilizing clean, renewable energy. Porous carbons which prepared by carbonized porous organic materials with high carbon content, have high specific surface area, good physical and chemical stability, and excellent mechanical performance, generally higher conductivity, therefore can be widely used in many fields, such as clean energy storage, different gases separation, and energy storage and conversion, etc. The common methods for preparing porous carbon from porous organic materials are divided into non-activated carbonization and activation carbonization. The morphology and pore structure of porous carbons which prepared by different preparation methods are different. The structure properties of porous carbon materials can affect their application. Reasonable design and utilization of the "pore" of porous carbon, displaying "sieving effect" of pore size can effectively store and separate the gas molecules. In the field of energy storage and conversion, such as lithium battery, the "confinement effect" is an important factor that affects the electrical performance of lithium battery. The smaller pores in the porous carbon materials can limited the active components, while the larger pores are in favor of rapidly diffusion, the synergistic effect of the two different type pores can greatly improve the electrical performance of lithium battery. This review systematically summarize the preparation methods of porous carbons derived from porous organic materials, and a brief comparison of different methods for preparing porous carbon is presented which proved that carbonized porous organic materials is a simple, efficient, environmentally friendly, and controllable pore structure method for the preparation of porous carbon with excellent performance. Then, the review describes in detail about the application of porous carbons in gas adsorption, storage, separation, energy storage and conversion. At the last, combination with the research status of porous carbons, the review points out the challenges for porous carbons, and also prospects the application of porous carbons.
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