Citation: Xu Yi, Zhao Yan, Zhang Yejun, Cui Zhifen, Wang Lihua, Fan Chunhai, Gao Jimin, Sun Yanhong. Angiopep-2-conjugated Ag2S Quantum Dot for NIR-Ⅱ Imaging of Brain Tumors[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2018, 76(5): 393-399. doi: 10.6023/A18010039 shu

Angiopep-2-conjugated Ag2S Quantum Dot for NIR-Ⅱ Imaging of Brain Tumors

  • Corresponding author: Gao Jimin, Sun Yanhong,
  • Received Date: 26 January 2018
    Available Online: 16 May 2018

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11575278the Ministry of Science and Technology of China 2016YFA0400902the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61378062the Ministry of Science and Technology of China 2016YFA0201200the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21675167the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences QYZDJ-SSW-SLH031-02Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11575278, 21675167, 11675251, 61475181, 61378062), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Nos. 2016YFA0201200, 2016YFA0400902) and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences (No. QYZDJ-SSW-SLH031-02)the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11675251the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61475181


  • Ag2S quantum dot with excellent NIR-Ⅱ fluorescence can provide deeper tissue penetration (>1.1 cm) and higher spatiotemporal resolution (25 μm, 50 ms) in comparison to the conventional fluorophore. In this study, we designed a NIR-Ⅱ probe based Ag2S quantum dot for imaging of brain tumor. Angiopep-2 was used to modify Ag2S quantum dot, which is a 19-mer peptide exhibiting high binding efficiency with low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) of blood brain barrier and glioma. Due to the surface of Ag2S quantum dots with carboxyl groups and angiopep-2 peptide with amino groups, Ag2S was conjugated with Angiopep-2 (Ag2S-ANG) through the condensation reaction of amino and carboxyl groups mediated by EDC and NHS. The structure, size and spectral properties of Ag2S-ANG were characterized by agarose electrophoresis, dynamic light scattering transmission, electron microscope (TEM), UV-vis spectrometer and NIR fluorescence spectrometer, respectively. Results showed that Ag2S-ANG had a short migration distance compared with Ag2S in the agarose gel electrophoresis. The hydrate particle size of Ag2S was approximately 6 nm, Ag2S-ANG was approximately 8 nm and its zeta potential exhibited electropositive reinforcement, zeta potential of Ag2S is -11.47±1.56 mV and Ag2S-ANG is +28.7±1.35 mV. Ag2S-ANG exhibited similar absorbance and fluorescence spectra to Ag2S, except a slight enhancement of emission peak. These results indicated that Ag2S-ANG was synthesized successfully. We further observed its cell cytotoxicity, distribution and uptake in Uppsala 87 Malignant Glioma cells(U87MG), and in vivo distribution in the solid tumor-bearing mouse. Ag2S-ANG had no obvious cytotoxicity when the concentration is inferior to 100 μg/mL and had more uptake in U87MG cells than that of Ag2S. In animal experiments, glioma tumor-bearing mice were used to investigate the distribution and tumor targeting of Ag2S-ANG. Results showed that Ag2S-ANG can distribute and accumulate in subcutaneous tumor site, indicating that Ag2S-ANG had the potential of targeting the glioma cells.
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