Citation: Zhao Cong, Ma Ying, Wang Yang, Zhou Xue, Li Huizeng, Li Mingzhu, Song Yanlin. Research Progress of Photonic Crystal Solar Cells[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2018, 76(1): 9-21. doi: 10.6023/A17070320 shu

Research Progress of Photonic Crystal Solar Cells

  • Corresponding author: Ma Ying, Li Mingzhu,
  • Received Date: 16 July 2017
    Available Online: 10 January 2017

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51573192the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51473173Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21522308, 21103112, 51573192, 51473173 and 21421061), the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (No. 20170540768), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2014M560225)the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province 20170540768the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21522308the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21421061China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2014M560225the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21103112


  • Photonic crystals have been widely used in solar cells in recent years, owing to the characteristic photonic bandgap, "slow photon" effect and a series of unique light control performance. The introduction of photonic crystals can greatly optimize the propagation and distribution of light in solar cells. Photonic crystals can improve the performance of solar cells from five aspects:(1) Photonic crystals constructed as back mirrors to reduce light loss and increase absorption efficiency of solar cell. (2) The interaction between photons and sensitizers can be enhanced by the "slow photon effect" of the photonic crystal band gap, which enhances the excitation efficiency. (3) Photonic crystal can be used as a scattering layer, increasing the propagation path of light in the material, forming a resonance enhancement mode in the absorption layer, and improving the light absorption efficiency. (4) Photonic crystals have large specific surface area. Especially three-dimensional photonic crystals can provide excellent carrier for sensitizer, which can effectively increase the load and activity of sensitized molecules and improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency (5) Photonic crystals can be used to reduce the dependence of solar cells on the incident angle of sunlight. For example, when the incident light is tilted, the blue shift of the Bragg position results in more overlap with the dye absorption peak, generating a higher efficiency that partially compensates the reduced photon flux due to light inclination. However, photonic crystals in different locations of the solar cell will improve or inhibit photoelectric conversion efficiency. Therefore, the fully understanding of light manipulation of photonic crystals and their correctly application is the key to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency. Here, the applications of different types of photonic crystals in silicon solar cells and sensitized solar cells are summarized, at the same time the possible problems are also analyzed and reviewed.
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