Citation: Xia Lan, Yu Linpo, Hu Di, Chen Z. George. Research Progress and Perspectives on High Voltage, Flame Retardant Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2017, 75(12): 1183-1195. doi: 10.6023/A17060284 shu

Research Progress and Perspectives on High Voltage, Flame Retardant Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Corresponding author: Chen Z. George,
  • Received Date: 28 June 2017
    Available Online: 4 December 2017

    Fund Project: Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Programme 2017A610022the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21503246Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Programme 2016A610114the Ningbo Municipal Government (3315 Plan and the IAMET Special Fund 2014A35001-1the Project of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province 2016C31023the Project of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province 2017C31104Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21503246), the Ningbo Municipal Government (3315 Plan and the IAMET Special Fund, No. 2014A35001-1), Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Programme (Nos. 2017A610022, 2016A610114, 2016A610115), and the Project of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (Nos. 2016C31023、No. 2017C31104)Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Programme 2016A610115AAA AAA


  • The electrolyte is an indispensable constituent in lithium ion batteries, and its role conducts electricity by means of the transportation of charge carries between the pair of electrodes. Its properties directly affect the energy density, cycle life and safety of the battery. However, there are two major challenges to using carbonate-based electrolytes in recent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) to further increase the energy density of the devices without compromising the safety. One is that carbonate-based electrolytes are not sufficiently stable at the positive electrode, and the other is their relatively high flammability. Therefore, developing high voltage and flame retardant electrolytes for LIBs is highly desired. Herein, we review the recent progress and challenges in new electrolytes, focusing on high-voltage electrolytes, flame retardant electrolytes and highly concentrated electrolytes. Among the reported electrolytes, highly concentrated electrolytes are worth a special attention, showing various unusual functionalities, for example, high oxidative stability, low volatility, high reductive stability, and non-corrosive to Al. These special properties are totally different from that of the conventional 1 mol•L-1 LiPF6/EC-based electrolytes, which are result from solution structures. A discussion is also provided in this review on the prospects of further development of new electrolytes for LIBs.
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