Citation: Wang Yafen, Zhang Xiong, Liu Chaoxing, Zhou Xiang. Induction Stabilization and Fluorescence-based Switch-on Detection of G-Quadruplex by Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2017, 75(7): 692-698. doi: 10.6023/A17040162 shu

Induction Stabilization and Fluorescence-based Switch-on Detection of G-Quadruplex by Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex

  • Corresponding author: Zhou Xiang,
  • These authors contributed equally to this work
  • Received Date: 13 April 2017

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21672167the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21432008the National Natural Science Foundation of China 91413109the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21672165


  • G-quadruplexes play vital roles in telomere maintenance and other biological systems.An effective G-quadruplexes stabilizer can be a promising medicine for cancer therapy.Here, a Zinc (Ⅱ) with salen derivatives as ligands (ZSC) has been prepared through two simple steps syntheses.2, 4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde (1 equiv.), 1-(2-chloroethyl) pyrrolidine hydrochloride (1 equiv.) and potassium carbonate (2 equiv.) were dissolved in 150 mL acetone.After reflux for 20 h in Ar atmosphere and purification, the product 2-hydroxy-4-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) ethoxy) benzaldehyde was obtained to yield 3.24 g (68.8%) as a pale solid.For the other step, 2-hydroxy-4-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) ethoxy) benzaldehyde (2 equiv.) and diaminomaleonitrile (1 equiv.) were dissolved into 10 mL methanol.After 20 min stirring at 60℃ in dark atmosphere, the Zinc acetate dehydrate (1 equiv.) was added in the solution for further 2 h reaction time.The final product Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex (ZSC) was purified to yield 245 mg (67.7%) as a red powder.The fluorescence, CD spectra are reported, giving insight into the intrinsic properties of the compound.The Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex could simply discriminate G-quadruplex from other DNA conformations such as hairpin, double-stranded DNA and single-stranded DNA by using fluorescence spectra.To the best of our knowledge, ZSC is the first Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex bearing features of inducing, stabilizing, fluorescence-based switch-on detecting G-quadruplex.In addition, ZSC can also change the Z G-quadruplex to parallel G-quadruplex.Such a sensitive and topology-specific probe is able to light up G-quadruplexes and gain an excellently quantitative detection of DNA bearing G-quadruplexes sequences.The detailed study of the interactions of ZSC with different topology DNAs has allowed us to build the most vital features that Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex can be a potential anticancer drug and in application to other bioanalytes.In the future, we will use the Zinc (Ⅱ)-salen Complex to downstream the gene expression in the gene promoter area to help analyze more biological processes or use it to selectively inhibit viruses which containing G-quadruplexes.
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