Citation: Duan Yuxin, Xiang Xueqin, Dong Yongqiang. Diphenyldibenzofulvene Derivatives Exhibiting Reversible Multicolored Mechanochromic Luminescence with High Contrast[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2016, 74(11): 923-928. doi: 10.6023/A16080433 shu

Diphenyldibenzofulvene Derivatives Exhibiting Reversible Multicolored Mechanochromic Luminescence with High Contrast

  • Corresponding author: Dong Yongqiang,
  • Received Date: 25 August 2016

    Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China 51173018


  • High performance mechanochromic luminescent (MCL) materials exhibiting multicolored emission switching or high contrast emission color and efficiency have seldom been reported despite their potential application to improve the complexity of anti-fake or increase the density of optical data storage. Through combination of the large conjugation core and peripheral phenyl rings, we designed and synthesized phenyltolyldibenzofulvene (1). Luminogen 1 exhibits aggregation induced emission (AIE) and crystallization enhanced emission (CEE). Luminogen 1 can form blue (1CB, 465 nm, Φ=14.6%) and blue-green (1CA, 485 nm, Φ=13.9%) emissive crystals through slow solvent evaporation of chloroform/hexane and 1, 2-dichlorethane/hexane, respectively, and its amorphous solid (1Am, 525 nm, Φ=2.1%) emits dark yellow green light. The propeller-like conformation of 1 affords loose packing pattern and facilitates the morphology tuning in the solid state. Thus, emission of 1 can be switched reversibly among blue, blue-green and yellow-green through modulation of morphology by mechanical stimuli, heating or solvent fuming. Moreover, the mechanochromic luminescence of 1 affords its potential application in optical recording. Ground powder of 1 was dispersed on weighing paper, and a yellow-green emissive paper was obtained. The paper can be transformed to blue and blue-green emissive through solvent fuming, and dark green letters on the blue and blue-green emissive paper could be obtained through writing with glass rod due to the amorphization of luminogen 1 in the written area. The letters can be erased through solvent fuming, heating or grinding, so the paper can be switched to blue, blue-green, or yellow-green emissive depending on the erasing method. Thus, following the strategy of combination of the large conjugation core and peripheral phenyl rings, the obtained luminogen exhibit multicolored MCL emission switching with high contrast. And the molecular design strategy for high performance MCL materials was further verified.
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