Citation: Wan Lun, Zhang Manbo, Wang Jingxia, Jiang Lei. Research Progress of the Metal-based Photonic Crystals[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2016, 74(8): 639-648. doi: 10.6023/A16040172 shu

Research Progress of the Metal-based Photonic Crystals

  • Corresponding author: Zhang Manbo, Wang Jingxia,
  • Received Date: 7 April 2016

    Fund Project: the Ministry of Science and Technology of the China funding 2016YFA0200803the National Natural Science Foundation of China 50973117the National Natural Science Foundation of China 91127029the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21074139the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51373183


  • Metal-based photonic crystals (PCs), which provide a unique optic-electric properties based on its intrinsic characteristic, is of great significance for the applications in the field of new energy system, such as solar cells, water electrolysis, light emitting diode (LED), etc. This article reviews the research progress of the metal-based PC, including the fabrication method, property investigation and the relative applications. Metal-based PCs are generally fabricated from the building blocks of metal, metal oxide or their composites materials. The fabrication method refers to the bottom up and top down approach. Bottom up approach covers the self-assembly of the metal nanoparticles directly or infiltrating the nanoparticles into the opal template and the subsequent removal of the template toward the metal-based inverse opals. Top down approach refers to the lithography and deposition. The lithography approach includes laser lithography, reaction ion etching, etc. And the deposition method covers physical vapor deposition, atomic layer deposition, pulsed laser deposition, etc. Furthermore, the metal-based PCs demonstrate many excellent properties based on the combination of the light manipulation property of PCs and the intrinsic property of the metal materials. For example, the materials showed surface-enhanced Raman effect, which can provide special optic signal and demonstrate the application in high-sensitive detecting of organic molecules. The combination of Plasmon effect of metal particles and photonic stopband of the PCs can improve the emission intensity, which is significant for the application in high efficient detecting of special material. Otherwise, the stopband of metal-based PCs is beneficial for the improvement of the optic adsorbent property and photoluminescence property. Furthermore, the combination of metal materials and its suitable stopband can amplify its optic-electronic property, sensing property and the optic-catalytic behavior. Finally, the potential applications of metal-based PCs on the new energy system is put forward. Typically, it was used as optic-electric materials in solar cell, water electrolysis, and high efficient LED. This review will provide an important insight for the new energy development and potential utilization.
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