Citation: ZHOU Qin-Qin, FU Da-Wei. A Novel Supramolecular Compound with 4-Iodobenzenaminium Based on 18-Crown-6:Synthesis, Structure and Dielectric Properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2013, 29(8): 1696-1702. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4861.2013.00.299 shu

A Novel Supramolecular Compound with 4-Iodobenzenaminium Based on 18-Crown-6:Synthesis, Structure and Dielectric Properties

  • Received Date: 17 January 2013
    Available Online: 30 May 2013

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  • One novel organic-inorganic hybrid supramolecular compound, ([(4-IA-NH3)·(18-crown-6)]2·(Cu2Cl6) (1), has been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, XRPD, thermogravimetric analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction (where 4-IA-NH3+=4-iodobenzenaminium; 18-crown-6=1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane). The organic [(4-IA-NH3)·(18-crown-6)]+ cation assemblies and inorganic Cu2Cl62- anions arrange alternately to build the macrocycle-based rotator-stator supramolecular inclusion. Temperature-dependent dielectric constants of compound 1 show no distinct dielectric anomalies, suggesting no phase transition within the measured temperature range (130~450 K). A high dielectric constant above 350 K at a low frequency of 500 Hz suggests that the increase in the disorder molecular thermal motion and/or H-bonding dipole interactions. CCDC: 919514.
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