ZHU Li-Na, WANG Hai-Xian, SUN Run-Feng, LI Ping, KONG De-Ming, LI Xiao-Zeng. Disruption of G-Quadruplex DNA by Ag+ and Hg2+ and Its Application to DNA Logic Gate[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,
;2013, 29(10): 2215-2224.
The G-quadruplex-disrupting abilities of Ag+ and Hg2+ ions were investigated by utilizing the metal ions-mediated circular dichroism (CD) spectrum changes of four representative G-quadruplexes. The results show that Ag+ ion can disrupt G-quadruplexes by chelating to Gbases and thus can be used as a general G-quadruplex-disrupting agent. The results also suggest that Hg2+ ion may disrupt G-quadruplexes by formation of T-Hg2+-Tbase pairs as well as other species. The G-quadruplexes disrupted by Ag+ and Hg2+ can be recovered by cysteine (Cys), a thiol-containing amino acid, due to the tight binding interactions between Cys and the metal ions. Thus, the system by using Ag+ (or Hg2+) and Cys as two inputs and CDsignal as output can behave as a DNA IMPLICATIONlogic gate.
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