Citation: Jia GUO, Dongling WU, Yuan TAO, Tao WANG, Yanli ZHU, Dianzeng JIA. Preparation of coal tar pitch-based porous carbon with high yield and excellent capacitive performance assisted by magnesium hydroxide-zinc borate composite flame retardant[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2024, 40(1): 88-98. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230308 shu

Preparation of coal tar pitch-based porous carbon with high yield and excellent capacitive performance assisted by magnesium hydroxide-zinc borate composite flame retardant

  • Corresponding author: Dianzeng JIA,
  • Received Date: 15 August 2023
    Revised Date: 30 November 2023


  • Coal tar pitch-based porous carbon was prepared by carbonizing the carbon source of coal tar pitch and flame retardant of magnesium hydroxide-zinc borate composite salt directly in the air, and its electrochemical performance was explored. Thanks to the synergistic effect of flame retardants on flame retardancy, activation, and doping functionalization, coal tar pitch-based porous carbon with high yield (55.1%), multi-heteroatom doping, and hierarchical structure was obtained. As the electrode material for supercapacitor, the specific capacitance can reach 344 F·g-1 at a current density of 0.5 A·g-1 in a three-electrode system. In addition, the flexible capacitor assembled with the prepared porous carbon and chitosan amino acid proton salt gel electrolyte has an energy density of 29.3 Wh·kg-1, the capacitance remained 96.9% after 50 000 cycles, and it can work normally in the temperature range from -25 to 75 ℃, which had a wide operating temperature range.
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