Citation: Zongfei YANG, Xiaosen ZHAO, Jing LI, Wenchang ZHUANG. Research advances in heteropolyoxoniobates[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2024, 40(3): 465-480. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230306 shu

Research advances in heteropolyoxoniobates


  • Polyoxometalates, abbreviated as POMs, are a special kind of versatile nanosized metal-oxygen clusters formed by the assembly of high-valent early transition-metal atoms (typically V5+, Nb5+, Ta5+, Mo6+ and W6+). They have various structures and unique physicochemical properties and are widely used in the fields of catalysis, magnetism, materials science, medicine, and optics. In the past few decades, polyoxoniobates (PONbs), a subfamily of POMs, have drawn considerable attention due to their structural diversity and application prospects in alkaline catalysis and photocatalytic hydrogen production, etc. According to whether they contain heteroatoms or not, PONbs can be classified into two categories, namely, isopolyoxoniobates and heteropolyoxoniobates (HPONbs). In this review, we systematically summarise typical HPONbs with main group elements (ⅢA/ⅣA/ⅤA/ⅥA) or transition metal elements (V/Fe/Cu) as heteroatoms reported in the past several decades, including their assembly methodologies, structure regulation, properties, and related applications. Moreover, the current challenges and prospects of these materials are also discussed. We hope that this review can provide some helpful enlightenment and promising directions for exploring and discovering innovative PONb-based materials with unique functions and practicability.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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