Citation: Ying HE, Yu ZHANG, Qing HE, Hui LIU, Liang LI. Metal-organic-frameworks-derived Co(OH)2/nitrogen-doped carbon graphene nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(12): 2432-2440. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.192 shu

Metal-organic-frameworks-derived Co(OH)2/nitrogen-doped carbon graphene nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors


  • An effective method to prepare β-Co(OH)2/nitrogen-doped carbon graphene (Co(OH)2/C-N@GP) nanocom- posites is presented in this work. First, we synthesized a composite of ZIF-67 and polystyrene by reacting Co(NO3)2·6H2O with 2-methylimidazole in a polystyrene-COOH ethanol dispersion. The ZIF-67/polystyrene composite was carbonized and subsequently reacted with thioacetamide and graphene to produce Co(SO4)2/C-N@GP. Finally, Co(SO4)2/C-N@GP was soaked in KOH aqueous solution to obtain Co(OH)2/C-N@GP nanocomposites. The scanning electron microscope image of obtained Co(OH)2/C-N@GP showed Co(OH)2 with sizes of 10-20 nm well dispersed on the graphene. Electrochemical analysis indicated that Co(OH)2/C-N as an electrode material exhibits typical Faraday charge-transfer behavior for supercapacitors. The specific capacitance of Co(OH)2/C-N can be enhanced when graphene is present. The Co(OH)2/C-N@GP exhibited a high specific capacitance of 985.4 F·g-1 at 2 A·g-1 in 3 mol·L-1 KOH with a specific capacitance retention rate of 76.6% after 1 000 cycles.
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