Citation: Ding FAN, Li-Ming WANG, Feng-Qiang LIU, Li-Hui XU, Hong PAN. Preparation and photocatalytic properties of ZnFe2O4/Ag/TiO2 composite[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(10): 1941-1949. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.159 shu

Preparation and photocatalytic properties of ZnFe2O4/Ag/TiO2 composite

  • Corresponding author: Li-Ming WANG,
  • Received Date: 9 March 2023
    Revised Date: 12 September 2023


  • ZnCaFe2O4/Ag/TiO2 composites were prepared with silver nitrate, tetrabutyl titanate, anhydrous zinc chloride, and ferric chloride hexahydrate as raw materials by sol-gel and solvothermal methods. The samples were characterized and tested by scanning electron microscope, energy spectrum analyzer, X-ray powder diffractometer, X-ray photoelectron spectrometer, vibrating sample magnetometer, ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer. The results showed that ZnCaFe2O4/Ag/TiO2-10 had the best photocatalytic effect, and the degradation rate of dye can reach more than 90% under both ultraviolet and visible light. It had excellent ultraviolet/visible light photocatalytic activity. And after being compounded with ZnCaFe2O4, ZnCaFe2O4/Ag/TiO2 had unique magnetism, which can be recycled under the action of external magnetic field, which makes it possible in practical application. Through magnetic separation technology, the photocatalysis performance of ZnCaFe2O4/Ag/TiO2-10 was still excellent after recycling for five times, which showed excellent magnetism and high photocatalytic cycle stability.
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