Citation: Yan XU, Zhao-Wen LIU, Lei CUI. O—P—O bridged Mn-Schiff base complexes: Syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(8): 1628-1636. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.126 shu

O—P—O bridged Mn-Schiff base complexes: Syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties


  • Two new trinuclear complexes consisting of Mn-Schiff base (SB) building block bridged by O—P—O units, namely [Mn3(salen)3(L)]ClO4·H2O (1) and [Mn3(salpn)3(L)]ClO4 (2), where salen2-=N, N′-(ethylene)bis(salicylideneiminato), salpn2-=N, N′-(propylene)bis(salicylideneiminato), H2L=5-(ethoxycarbonyl)-naphthalen-1-yl)phosphonic acid, were synthesized by using solvent evaporation and characterized by using single-crystal X-ray diffraction, IR, and powder X-ray diffraction. Complexes 1 and 2 are isostructural and show similar trinuclear [Mn3(SB)3(L)]+, in which O—P—O groups among the phosphonate ligand bridge three Mn(Ⅲ) ion centers, and an additional disordered ClO4- as a balance anion. These [Mn3(SB)3(L)]+ trimers are assembled by π-π interaction from the neighboring complexes, giving rise to a supramolecular 1D wave chain. Magnetic measurements of 1 and 2 indicate that the three Mn(Ⅲ) ions in the asymmetric structure are two with high spin and one with low spin, while dominant antiferromagnetic interactions are mediated between the Mn(Ⅲ) ions.
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