Citation: Xiang YANG, Ming-Hui ZHANG, Kai CHEN, Ran LI, Xiu-Du ZHANG. Co(Ⅱ)-based metal-organic frameworks containing bipyridyl ligands and terephthalic acid as fluorescent probes for Fe(Ⅲ)[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(7): 1244-1252. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.095 shu

Co(Ⅱ)-based metal-organic frameworks containing bipyridyl ligands and terephthalic acid as fluorescent probes for Fe(Ⅲ)


  • The ligands 1, 4-bis(2-(2-pyridyl)ethenyl)benzene (2-bpeb) and 1, 2-di(pyridin-4-yl)ethene (dpe) have been employed to react with terephthalic acid (H2PTA) and Co(NO3)2 under solvothermal conditions to fabricate two novel Co(Ⅱ)-MOFs (1 and 2). The structure of 1 manifests a 3D framework constituted by the Co-2-bpeb and Co-PTA chains, while complex 2 is a 3D framework constructed from the Co-PTA layers connected by the dpe ligand. Due to the existence of a large π-conjugated system in the pyridyl ligands and in consideration of the practical application, the fluorescence properties of 1 and 2 were investigated and the sensing experiments revealed that both of them could be used as a fluorescent sensor for detecting Fe3+ with good sensitivity and recyclability.
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