Preparation and adsorption properties for Cs+ of modified diatomite-supported copper hexacyanoferrate composite
- Corresponding author: Bin-Ju QING,
Xue-Qin GUO, Xiao-Chuan DENG, Chao-Liang ZHU, Xin FU, Rui-Rui WANG, Wan-Xia MA, Jie FAN, Fang-Tao ZUO, Bin-Ju QING. Preparation and adsorption properties for Cs+ of modified diatomite-supported copper hexacyanoferrate composite[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,
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Inset: Corresponding enlarged curves
(a) Pseudo⁃first⁃order; (b) Pseudo⁃second⁃order