Citation: Chuang WU, Wen-Bao XU, Hai-Hua ZHANG, Hong-Bing FU. 4-Fluorophenylethylamine-based novel quasi-two-dimensional perovskites: synthesis, electroluminescence, and laser properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(3): 501-509. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.008 shu

4-Fluorophenylethylamine-based novel quasi-two-dimensional perovskites: synthesis, electroluminescence, and laser properties


  • A series of quasi-2D perovskites with both electroluminescence and optical gain properties were designed and synthesized in this work. The 4-FPEA+ (4-FPEAB=4-fluorophenylethylamine hydrobromide) was introduced into CsPbBr3 to prepared quasi-2D perovskites thin films with different n-value quantum wells distribution by using simple solution coating method. The UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectra were adopted to suggest that quantum wells distribution can be modulated effectively by controlling the proportion of precursors in solution precisely. These samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The result suggested that 4-FPEA+ can reduce surface roughness efficiently. When the molar ratio of 4-FPEA+ and CsPbBr3 reached 0.6, as-prepared perovskite films were demonstrated with the highest brightness. Using additive defect passivation strategy with crown ether, more uniform quantum well distribution achieved which further promoted the efficient energy transfer. The light emitting diodes (LED) devices realized the external quantum efficiencies (EQE) as 0.98%. In terms of laser performance, amplified spontaneous emissions (ASEs) with a low threshold of 17.42 μJ· cm-2 and gain coefficients as 35 cm-1 in room temperature were realized.
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