Citation: Ying-Ying ZHANG, Fei-Fei ZHANG, Lei MA, Li WANG, Jiang-Feng YANG. Control of High Stability CAU-10-X (X=H, NO2, CH3) Pore Chemical Environment for Efficient Capture of N2O[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(11): 2213-2221. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.225 shu

Control of High Stability CAU-10-X (X=H, NO2, CH3) Pore Chemical Environment for Efficient Capture of N2O

  • Corresponding author: Jiang-Feng YANG,
  • Received Date: 3 May 2022
    Revised Date: 19 September 2022


  • Three metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) materials, CAU-10-X (X=H, NO 2, CH3), with different substituents (—X) were synthesized and the adsorption and capture properties of N2O from N2O/N2 mixtures were studied. Considering the experimental results of single-component adsorption isotherm, adsorption heat, and IAST (ideal adsorbed solution theory) selectivity, we found that the adsorption capacity of CAU-10-NO2 was significantly higher than that of the parent CAU-10-H in the low-pressure region, and it could effectively capture N2O from the N2O/N2 mixture, while CAU-10-CH3 showed the opposite effect. The penetration simulation of N2O/N2 mixture further proved that CAU-10-NO2 had a good ability to capture trace N2O, and the cycle experiment showed that CAU-10-NO2 had good stability.
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