Citation: Ming DENG, Zhuo YANG, Jie-Ying DING, Xiang-Yi LI, Yan-Jing YANG, Yan-Hui GUO. Progress in Preparation and Application in Solid Electrolyte of closo-Decahydrodecaborate[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(11): 2127-2142. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.222 shu

Progress in Preparation and Application in Solid Electrolyte of closo-Decahydrodecaborate

  • Corresponding author: Yan-Hui GUO,
  • Received Date: 3 May 2022
    Revised Date: 25 August 2022


  • All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) are commonly regarded as prospective electrochemical energy storage devices, which can overcome the drawbacks of conventional liquid electrolyte batteries, including electrolyte leak- age, low stability, flammability, and limited energy density. In the research of ASSBs, developing solid electrolyte (SE) with high ionic conductivity and a wide electrochemical stability window is critical to the development of ASSBs with high energy and power density. Recently, hydroborate- based SEs have received extensive attention as they offer a comprehensive combination of super-ionic conductivity at high temperature, high thermal stability, and low density. Among these, one of the most promising materials is the alkali-metal salts of closo-decahydrodecaborate (B10H102-). Since B10H102- was first discovered in 1959, its synthetic methods and application have been widely stud- ied. After years of research, mature methods for the preparation of the B10H102- compounds have been developed, which can satisfy the supply demands in the laboratory. As a multifunctional material, decahydrodecaborate has been intensively studied for several applications. In particular, as a promising candidate for SE, the sodium and lithium closo-decahydrodecaborates M2B10H10 (M=Na, Li) have been proved to own excellent ionic conductivity as well as high thermal and chemical stability. To further improve the electrochemical performances of B10H102--based elec- trolytes at room temperature, many modification strategies have been explored and implemented, including halogen substitution, carboranate, mechanical ball milling, complex anion alloying, and dimerization. This review mainly describes the progress of preparation and application in the solid electrolyte of B10H102-, summarizes the modification strategies of better - performance B10H102- based SE, and also puts forward prospects for the future development of B10H102- as SE in ASSBs.
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