Citation: Yu-Han ZHOU, Xiang-Yun FENG, Jia ZHU, Li-Gang XU, Run-Feng CHEN. Preparation and Stability Strategies of Inverted Tin-Based Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(10): 1889-1907. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.208 shu

Preparation and Stability Strategies of Inverted Tin-Based Perovskite Solar Cells


  • In recent years, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have achieved rapid development with the maximum certified power conversion efficiency (PCE) up to 25.7%, which is comparable with the advances obtained for silicon and thin-film solar cells. However, the involvement of lead, which is a cumulative toxicant to human bodies, hampers the pace of their future commercial application. Therefore, it is crucial to seek a new path to reduce or eliminate Pb from PSCs and replace it with other environmentally friendly elements. Recently, the development of lead-free PSCs has attracted great attentions. Tin-based perovskite materials with excellent photoelectric properties are thus by far the most promising alternative. The p-i-n inverted tin-based PSCs have developed rapidly in recent years, which represented an important breakthrough in the field. Their main advantages include low-temperature fabrication, cost-effectiveness, and suppressed hysteresis behavior, alongside a competitive power conversion efficiency of up to 14.8%. Though numerous research efforts have been devoted to inverted Sn-based PSCs, the PCE of these devices still lag far behind Pb-based PSCs. The rapid development of inverted Sn-based PSCs prompted us to review the current progress of inverted p-i-n Sn-based PSCs, focusing mainly on the aspects involving on features p-i-n Sn-based PSCs, interface layers, properties of Sn perovskites, and fabrication of a high-quality Sn perovskite active layer, highlighting the obstacles to further progress and opportunities for future work.
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