Citation: Yi-Jie ZHANG, Le-Ran LIU, Yun WU, Fei ZHAO, Guang LIU, Jin-Ping LI. Two-Step Electrodeposition Construction of NiFe/Ni3S2/NF Hierarchical Heterogeneous Electrode for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction at Large Current Densities[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2021, 37(3): 499-508. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2021.057 shu

Two-Step Electrodeposition Construction of NiFe/Ni3S2/NF Hierarchical Heterogeneous Electrode for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction at Large Current Densities


  • A simple two step electrodeposition method was applied to effectively integrate the amorphous Ni3S2 material and the defect-rich NiFe bimetallic oxyhydroxide on the surface of the nickel foam, thereby constructing a NiFe/Ni3S2/NF three-dimensional hierarchical heterogeneous electrode. Benefiting from the structural and catalytic advantages of amorphous Ni3S2 and defect-rich NiFe materials, as well as the strong electronic interaction at the heterogeneous interface, the NiFe/Ni3S2/NF catalytic electrode exhibited excellent oxygen evolution performance: only an overpotential of 273 mV was needed to attain a current density of 100 mA·cm-2, which is far superior to most of the reported Ni/Fe-based composite materials. It can stably output a high current density of 1 000 mA·cm-2 at the overpotential of 372 mV for more than 27 h in 1 mol·L-1 KOH solution.
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