Citation: CAO Han, PAN Hai-Hua, TANG Rui-Kang. Materials Enhanced by Biomimetic Mineralization[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2019, 35(11): 1957-1973. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2019.250 shu

Materials Enhanced by Biomimetic Mineralization


  • In recent years, with the development of material science, organic-inorganic composites with excellent mechanical properties and specific functions have become a hot research topic. The natural processes of biomineralization have produced widely distributed biominerals with a wide variety of unique composite materials and excellent mechanical properties, such as tooth, bone, pearl, shellfish, sea urchin thorn, marine bloodworm jaw. The characteristics of biominerals structure and mineralization mechanisms in natural composite materials provide a theoretical basis for biomimetic design and synthesis of materials with specific structure, specific function and excellent mechanical properties. By learning the principle of biomineralization, biomimetic mineralization is a crystallization process, by which an organic matrix regulates the nucleation of inorganic minerals, and grows into organic-inorganic hybrid minerals with ordered structures and advanced functions. This paper reviews the natural reinforced composite materials with high hardness and high toughness fabricated by natural biomineralization process, and a number of artificial organic-inorganic reinforced composite materials inspired by the reinforcing and toughening mechanisms in biomineralization.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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