Citation: ZHANG Qin, WANG Xiao-Feng, DUAN Fang, CHEN Ming-Qing. Bi2MoO6 Hollow Microspheres Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2015, (11): 2152-2158. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2015.285 shu

Bi2MoO6 Hollow Microspheres Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties

  • Corresponding author: DUAN Fang, 
  • Received Date: 22 April 2015
    Available Online: 16 September 2015

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(No.51302108) (No.51302108)江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20130151) (No.BK20130151)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.JUSRP51408B)资助项目。 (No.JUSRP51408B)

  • Based on the similarity of crystal structure between Bi2MoO6 and BiOI, Bi2MoO6 photocatalyst with hollow structure was prepared by in-situ transformation method using BiOIas self-sacrificing template. The phase and morphology of the intermediates obtained at different reaction temperatures and times during BiOI microspheres transforming to hollow Bi2MoO6 were analyzed. The results showed that the best conditions for preparing Bi2MoO6 hollow microspheres were 8 h and 120 ℃. Besides, the structure, morphology, specific surface area and optical property of the as-prepared Bi2MoO6 hollow microspheres were studied. The results indicated that the surface of the obtained Bi2MoO6 hollow microspheres were relatively loose, and the specific surface area was 61 m2·g-1. Methyl orange (MO) was selected as a pollutant model to evaluate the visible-light photocatalytic activity of the prepared materials. As a result, MOwas completely degraded by Bi2MoO6 hollow microspheres in80 minutes. The photocatalytic activity of Bi2MoO6 hollow microspheres was obviously superior to Bi2MoO6 sheets and the intermediates obtained at different reaction times.
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