Citation: Xiaoyu Wang, Yang Cheng, Guodong Xue, Ziqi Zhou, Mengze Zhao, Chaojie Ma, Jin Xie, Guangjie Yao, Hao Hong, Xu Zhou, Kaihui Liu, Zhongfan Liu. Giant Enhancement of Optical Second Harmonic Generation in Hollow-Core Fiber Integrated with GaSe Nanoflakes[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2023, 39(7): 221202. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202212028 shu

Giant Enhancement of Optical Second Harmonic Generation in Hollow-Core Fiber Integrated with GaSe Nanoflakes

  • Corresponding author: Xu Zhou, Kaihui Liu, Zhongfan Liu,
  • These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Received Date: 17 December 2022
    Revised Date: 19 January 2023
    Accepted Date: 20 January 2023
    Available Online: 7 February 2023

    Fund Project: the National Key R&D Program of China 2021YFA1400201the National Key R&D Program of China 2021YFB3200303the National Key R&D Program of China 2021YFA1400502the National Key R&D Program of China 2022YFA1403504the National Natural Science Foundation of China 52021006the National Natural Science Foundation of China 52172035the National Natural Science Foundation of China 92163206the National Natural Science Foundation of China 52025023the National Natural Science Foundation of China 12104018the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences XDB33000000the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2021T140022the Guangzhou Basic and Applied Basic Research Projects 202201010395

  • All-fiber functional devices are superior to conventional optical crystals for next-generation integrated optics owing to their natural compatibility with optical fiber systems. Nonlinear optical fiber devices play an important role in frequency conversion and optical parametric amplification. However, optical fibers are unsuitable for all-optical systems owing to the intrinsic properties of pure quartz. Optical second harmonic generation (SHG), which is significant in practical optical applications, is theoretically forbidden in traditional centrosymmetric non-crystalline fused silica fibers. Consequently, generating giant second-order optical processes in optical fibers remains challenging. Many studies have attempted to artificially break the centrosymmetry of fused silica fibers using various poling techniques, such as thermal or electric field poling, which can enhance the second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility. However, these methods require difficult and complicated fabrication processes, and the corresponding hybrid optical fibers exhibit an inefficient harmonic generation process, which greatly increases the cost and limits the development of all-fiber nonlinear functionalization. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new fabrication methods and technical means for functionalizing optical fiber devices that can improve the second-order nonlinear effect while remaining simple and practical. Herein, we propose an improved solution-filling method that can effectively deposit highly nonlinear GaSe nanoflakes directly on the inner walls of hollow-core fibers (HCF) with a length of up to half a meter. In addition, the as-fabricated hollow-core fiber integrated with GaSe nanoflakes (GaSe-HCF) is used to demonstrate that the second-order nonlinear effect of the optical fiber is enhanced by the ultrahigh nonlinear effect of the GaSe materials. Compared to previously reported MoS2-embedded hollow-core fibers (MoS2-HCF) and conventional optical fibers, the SHG of the GaSe-HCF is three and two orders of magnitude stronger than that of bare HCF and MoS2-HCF, respectively. A GaSe-HCF with a length of up to half a meter was successfully prepared using the new filling method and exhibited good expansibility. The pressure process was exploited by adding a short length of air column to effectively fill the HCF with the highly nonlinear GaSe suspension, and expand the applicability of this method. Our results will provide a novel and highly efficient strategy to manufacture nonlinear optical fibers integrated with other nanomaterials and can be used to fabricate new all-fiber devices with strongly enhanced second-order nonlinear optical processes, thus broadening nonlinear optics and optoelectronics applications.
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