Citation: YAO Wen-Zhi, LU Zhang-Hui, LI Si-Dian. A Comparative Ab initio Study of the Geometric and Electronic Structures of B2Au4, Al2Au4 and BAlAu4[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2014, 30(12): 2233-2240. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201409301 shu

A Comparative Ab initio Study of the Geometric and Electronic Structures of B2Au4, Al2Au4 and BAlAu4

  • Received Date: 23 June 2014
    Available Online: 30 September 2014

    Fund Project: 华北水利水电学院高层次人才科学研究基金(201114) (201114) 河南省教育厅重点科技项目(14A150024) (14A150024) 江西省教育厅重点科技项目(GJJ14230) (GJJ14230) 江西师范大学青年英才培育计划资助项目, 江西省青年科学家培养对象(20133BCB23011) (20133BCB23011) 江西省赣鄱英才555 工程和国家自然科学基金(21103074)资助 (21103074)

  • Au/H similarity is a hot topic in chemistry. Here, we report the theoretical prediction of new members of the Au/H analogy family: covalent B2Au4, ionic Al2Au4, and BAlAu4. A comparative study of the geometric and electronic structures of electron-deficient B2Au4, Al2Au4, and BAlAu4 was performed based on density and wave functional theories. Detailed orbital analyses, adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP), and electron localization function (ELF) analyses were performed. Ab initio theoretical evidence strongly suggests that the ground state of slightly distorted C2B2Au4 is a covalent complex containing two B―Au―B three centers-two electrons (3c-2e) bonds. Unexpectedly, C3vAl+(AlAu4)- and C3v Al+(BAu4)- are predicted to have a salt-like composition with three X―Au―Al 3c-2e bonds (X=Al in Al2Au4, X=B in BAlAu4). Al2Au4 and BAlAu4 represent the first examples of bridging ld bonds in ionic-deficient systems. The adiabatic and vertical detachment energies of the anions were calculated to facilitate their future experimental characterization. Bridging ld addressed in this work provides an interesting bonding mode for covalent and ionic-deficient systems, and may aid in designing new materials and catalysts with highly dispersed Au atoms.

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