ZHONG Bei-Jing, YAO Tong, WEN Fei. Skeletal and Reduced Mechanisms of n-Decane Simplified with Eigenvalue Analysis[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2014, 30(2): 210-216.
Based on the eigenvalue analysis reduction method, a detailed mechanism of n-decane with 118 species and 527 reactions was simplified. A skeletal mechanism with 70 species and 327 reactions was thus obtained. The computational singular perturbation (CSP) reduction method, which is based on eigenvalue analysis, was subsequently used to simplify the skeletal mechanism, and a reduced mechanism with 38 species and 34 reaction steps was developed. Comparison between the reduced mechanism, skeletal mechanism, and detailed mechanism showed that the reduced and skeletal mechanisms could reproduce the characteristics of the detailed mechanism and give the combustion characteristics of n-decane. The development of these models represents a significant step toward coupling of chemical reaction kinetics with computational fluid dynamics, and is a od basis for improving computational efficiency.
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