YAO Fang-Fang, WU Bao-Shan, ZHOU Li-Ping, GAO Jun-Hu, LI Ying, LI Yong-Wang. Effect of Alcohol Addition on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis over Cobalt-Based Catalysts[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2013, 29(05): 1063-1072.
CnH2n+1OH (n=2, 3, 5, 6) primary alcohol activation, hydrogenation and its additional effects on the performance of the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis over a cobalt catalyst were investigated in a fixed bed micro-reactor. All products were analyzed using an on-line gas chromatography. The diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to investigate intermediates on the catalyst surface. In the presence of ar n or hydrogen, CnH2n+1OH underwent two main reactions: direct de-carbonylation to produce (CH2)n-1 hydrocarbons, and dehydration to produce (CH2)n hydrocarbons. The addition of lower carbon number alcohol (ethanol or 1-propanol) into the FT synthesis reaction had no significant effect on the hydrocarbon product distribution. While co-feeding higher carbon number alcohol (1-pentanol or 1-hexanol) into the FT synthesis reaction, the selectivity to hydrocarbons with carbon numbers greater than or equal to n-1 increased markedly because of the additive?s chain initiation on the catalyst surface.
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