SONG Fenhong, LIU Chao, ZHOU Xuan. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Heterogeneous Nucleation of Ar n Vapor onto a Spherical Solid Particle[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
Heterogeneous nucleation often occurs in the atmosphere, but its microscopic mechanism is mostly unknown. In our work, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to explore the dynamic characteristics of the heterogeneous nucleation of supersaturated ar n vapor onto a spherical solid nanoparticle. We discuss the effect of the cooling rate on the evolution of the system temperature, the cluster distribution, the cluster size, and the nucleation rate during the nucleation process. Our results show that the pre-existing nucleus plays an important role in the cluster formation stage. Furthermore, in the system with a pre-existing heterogeneous nucleus, a critical cooling rate (1.8×10-9J·s-1) exists at which homogeneous nucleation emerges and coexists with heterogeneous nucleation but heterogeneous nucleation still dominates the entire nucleation process.
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