LI Qing-Wu, WEI Zi-Dong, CHEN Si-Guo, QI Xue-Qiang, LIU Xiao, DING Wei, . PtSnCo/C Anode Catalyst for Methanol Oxidation[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2011, 27(12): 2857-2862.
A binary metallic catalyst (PtSn/C) and a ternary metallic catalyst (PtSnCo/C) with a metal mass fraction of 20% were prepared by borohydride reduction and subsequent hydrothermal treatment in a glycol liquid phase. The structure and composition of the as-prepared electrocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS). Their activity and stability for the catalysis of methanol oxidation were evaluated by anodic linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and the anodic stripping of a pre-adsorbed CO monolayer. We found that the PtSnCo/C catalyst gave the best catalytic activity for the methanol oxidation of all the catalysts including the commercial JM-PtRu/C catalyst. After 100 cycles, the peak current of methanol oxidation for the PtSn/C catalyst rapidly decreased to 11% of its initial peak current but PtSnCo/C decreased to only 50%. This result suggests that the PtSnCo/C catalyst has better chemical stability for the catalysis of methanol oxidation compared to the PtSn/C catalyst. The more negative onset potential of methanol oxidation for the PtSnCo/C catalyst relative to pre-adsorbed CO oxidation implies that the intermediates of methanol oxidation on the PtSnCo/C catalyst may be ones, which can be more easily oxidized than CO, instead of CO.
Dierct methanol fuel cell
, - PtSnCo/C,
- PtSn/C,
- Stability,
- Methanol oxidation
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