Citation: ZHANG Li-Li, HAN Pei-De, ZHANG Cai-Li, DONG Ming-Hui, YANG Yan-Qing, GU Xiang-Yang. Density Functional Theory Study on the Stability and Electronic Properties of MgF2 Surfaces[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2011, 27(07): 1609-1614. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20110702 shu

Density Functional Theory Study on the Stability and Electronic Properties of MgF2 Surfaces

  • Received Date: 11 January 2011
    Available Online: 13 May 2011

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(50874079) (50874079)太原市科技项目(100115105)资助 (100115105)

  • The structural stability and electronic properties of MgF2(010), MgF2(001), MgF2(011), and MgF2(110) surfaces were investigated using density functional theory (DFT). We found that the atoms located in the top layers near the surface are obviously relaxed and that the fluorine-terminated surface structure is much more stable than the other two structures. According to the surface energy values of the four different fluorine-terminated surfaces we conclude that the structural stability of the MgF2 surfaces decreases in the following order: MgF2(110), MgF2(011), MgF2(010), and MgF2(001). The density of states of the MgF2(110) surface shows that more bonding electrons are in low level areas and, furthermore, because of the influence of the surface the fluorine atom charges gather at the surface, which makes the surface electronegative and results in an increase in its activity.

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