Citation: LIU Chong, DU Rui, ZHAO Yan-Ying, WANG Hui-Gang, ZHENG Xu-Ming. Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Excited State Structural Dynamics of 6-N,N-Dimethyladenine[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2011, 27(01): 17-24. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20110132 shu

Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Excited State Structural Dynamics of 6-N,N-Dimethyladenine

  • Received Date: 13 August 2010
    Available Online: 13 December 2010

    Fund Project: 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973) (2007CB815203) (973) (2007CB815203) 国家自然科学基金(21033002, 20573097) (21033002, 20573097)浙江省自然科学基金(R405465)资助项目 (R405465)

  • The A- and B-band electronic excitations and the excited state structural dynamics of 6-N,N-dimethyladenine (DMA) were studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. The πHπL* transition is the main part of the A-band absorption and its calculated oscillator strength occupies 79% of the A-band absorption. n→Ryd and πH→Ryd transitions where Ryd denotes the diffuse Rydberg orbital play important roles in the B-band electronic transitions and their calculated oscillator strengths occupy about 62% of the B-band absorption. The oscillator strength for the πHπL* transition, which dominates the A-band electronic transition only occupies about 33% of the B-band absorption. The foundamental vibrations of the purine ring deformation stretch plus the C8H/N9H bend mode ν23 and the 5 member ring deformation stretch plus the C8H bend mode ν13, and their overtones and combination bands occupy most of the A-band resonance Raman intensities. Therefore, the 1πHπL* excited state structural dynamics of DMA is mainly along the ν23 and ν13 reaction coordinates. The majority of the B-band resonance Raman intensities are dominated by the fundamental vibrations of ν10, ν29, ν21, ν26, ν40, and their overtones and combination bands. This suggests the B-band excited state structural dynamics of DMA is mostly along the purine ring deformation, the C6N10 stretch, the N9H/C8H/C2H bend and the N(CH3)2 antisymmetric stretch. The appearance of ν26 and ν12 in the A-band resonance Raman spectrum is correlated to the Franck-Condon region 1*/1ππ* conical intersection. The activation of ν21 in the B-band resonance Raman spectrum is correlated to the Franck-Condon region 1ππ*/1πσN9H* conical intersection.

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