Citation: Zhiping Liu, Fanny Demontrond, Anne Imberty, Andrew C.-H. Sue, Sébastien Vidal, Hongxia Zhao. Rim-differentiation vs. mixture of constitutional isomers: A binding study between pillar[5]arene-based glycoclusters and lectins from pathogenic bacteria[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2023, 34(2): 107872. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2022.107872 shu

Rim-differentiation vs. mixture of constitutional isomers: A binding study between pillar[5]arene-based glycoclusters and lectins from pathogenic bacteria

    This article is dedicated to Sir Fraser Stoddart on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
    * Corresponding authors.
    ** Corresponding author at: CNRS, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Université Paris-Saclay, UPR 2301, Gif-sur-Yvette 91198, France.
    E-mail addresses: (A.C.-H. Sue), (S. Vidal), (H. Zhao).
    1 These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Received Date: 9 August 2022
    Revised Date: 26 September 2022
    Accepted Date: 29 September 2022
    Available Online: 1 October 2022


  • Macrocycle-based glycoclusters, on account of their promising anti-adhesive properties against bacteria, are potential therapeutic alternatives to classic antibiotics through the much less explored anti-adhesive strategy. In this study, a series of constitutionally-pure pentavalent glycoclusters was prepared by conjugating assorted azido-carbohydrates onto a penta-propargyl rim-differentiated pillar[5]arene (RD-P[5]) scaffold through Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition "click" reactions. Their binding towards therapeutically relevant bacterial lectins, such as LecA and LecB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and concanavalin A (ConA), were evaluated subsequently by isothermal titration calorimetric studies. Most of these isomer-free RD-P[5] pentavalent glycoclusters, except the fucosylated ones, display good affinities to lectins. Nonetheless, the dissociation constants observed are similar to those displayed by an analogous pentavalent glycocluster consisting of four P[5] constitutional isomers, in which the RD-P[5] component merely accounts for 7% in the mixture. Our results revealed that high constitutional purity is not essential for achieving effective multivalent interactions between P[5]-based glycoclusters and lectins, presumably as a result of the conformationally labile nature of the P[5] scaffold. This information provides valuable design principles for low-cost and facile syntheses of glycosylated P[5]s for biomedical applications.
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