Citation: Wu Zhi-Meng, Liu Shao-Zhong, Cheng Xiao-Zhong, Zhao Xin-Rui, Hong Hao-Fei. High yield synthesis of cyclic analogues of antibacterial peptides P-113 by Sortase A-mediated ligation and their conformation studies[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2017, 28(3): 553-557. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2016.11.001 shu

High yield synthesis of cyclic analogues of antibacterial peptides P-113 by Sortase A-mediated ligation and their conformation studies

  • Corresponding author: Wu Zhi-Meng,
  • Received Date: 29 July 2016
    Revised Date: 30 September 2016
    Accepted Date: 9 October 2016
    Available Online: 10 March 2016


  • P-113 is a fragment of natural occurring peptide Histatin 5 found in human saliva. This peptide exhibited broad spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal biological activities. In this study, bifunctional P-113 peptides 2-5 were designed as Sortase A substrates and synthesized by solid support peptide synthesis, where the N-terminus were equipped with glycine and its analogues, and C-terminus were extended with LPETGGS, respectively. Under Sortase A catalyzed condition, head to tail cyclization products 7-10 were afforded in yields from 76% to 93%. The conformation insights of linear peptides 2-5 and cyclic analogues 7-10 in aqueous buffers and in trifluroethanol (TFE) analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) suggested that α-helix structures were produced progressively in hydrophobic environment independent of the cyclization, which displayed the similar behavior as parent peptide P-113.
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