Citation: Liu Ming-Xian, Deng Xiang-Xiang, Zhu Da-Zhang, Duan Hui, Xiong Wei, Xu Zi-Jie, Gan Li-Hua. Magnetically separated and N,S co-doped mesoporous carbon microspheres for the removal of mercury ions[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2016, 27(5): 795-800. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2016.01.038 shu

Magnetically separated and N,S co-doped mesoporous carbon microspheres for the removal of mercury ions

  • Corresponding author: Gan Li-Hua,
  • Received Date: 9 October 2015
    Revised Date: 22 December 2015
    Accepted Date: 21 January 2016
    Available Online: 2 May 2016


  • Magnetically separated and N, S co-doped mesoporous carbon microspheres (N/S-MCMs/Fe3O4) are fabricated by encapsulating SiO2 nanoparticles within N, S-containing polymer microspheres which were prepared using resorcinol/formaldehyde as the carbon source and cysteine as the nitrogen and sulfur co-precursors, followed by the carbonization process, silica template removal, and the introduction of Fe3O4 into the carbon mesopores. N/S-MCMs/Fe3O4 exhibits an enhanced Hg2+ adsorption capacity of 74.5 mg/g, and the adsorbent can be conveniently and rapidly separated from wastewater using an externalmagnetic field. This study opens up new opportunities to synthesize welldeveloped, carbon-based materials as an adsorbent for potential applications in the removal of mercury ions from wastewater.
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