王敏, 辛德华, 石雅宁, 朱文垚, 张苑群, 章薇
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230477
采用原位溶剂热反应制备多级Ag/Bi/Nv-g-C3N4(氮空位-g-C3N4)/Ti3C2Tx肖特基结,并对其物相组成和晶体结构、微观形貌和孔结构、表面元素组成和化学态、光学和光电化学性质进行了表征。由于Ag、Bi和Ti3C2Tx协同的表面等离激元共振效应,Ag/Bi/Nv-g-C3N4/Ti3C2Tx表现出全光谱吸收特性。由载流子浓度差驱动的界面极化电荷转移诱导形成的肖特基结,显著提高了光生载流子(包括热电子和热空穴)的分离效率和利用率。因此,与Nv-g-C3N4、Ti3C2Tx、Ag/Nv-g-C3N4、Bi/Nv-g-C3N4和Ag/Bi/Nv-g-C3N4相比,Ag/Bi/Nv-g-C3N4/Ti3C2Tx表现出显著增强的全光谱催化活性,其在可见光和近红外光照射下光催化降解四环素的反应速率常数分别为0.033和0.008 6 min-1,为对比样品的10~2.1倍和8.6~1.8倍。
关键词: 肖特基结, 表面等离激元共振, 全光谱催化, 盐酸四环素
赵沛然, 刘屿芊, 何成, 段春迎
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230355
成功设计并通过水热法合成了一种具有功能性三维结构的镧系金属有机骨架Eu-4L,其配体为二苯胺四羧酸衍生物(H4L)。Eu-4L的骨架中含有3D空腔,且其比表面积较高。Eu-4L不仅热稳定性较高,且在pH为3~11的范围内稳定性良好。Eu-4L可以作为荧光探针选择性识别稠环芳烃芘,其检测限为5 μmol·L-1,具有较高的灵敏度,且具备可循环重复利用的特性。Eu-4L荧光识别芘的作用机理为稳态荧光识别机理。此外,对Eu-4L的荧光识别选择性、竞争能力也进行了详细地讨论。
关键词: 金属有机骨架, 荧光识别, , , 稠环芳烃
熊鑫, 陈茜, 谢泉
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240064
为了探索AlN在光电器件的潜在应用,基于密度泛函理论,采用第一性原理计算了本征AlN和稀土元素La、Yb掺杂AlN体系的光电特性和磁性。计算结果表明:本征AlN的带隙为6.060 eV。掺入La和Yb后都在导带底产生了杂质能级,使得电子从价带到导带所需的激发能量更低,有利于光学跃迁,从而改善AlN的光学性能。Yb掺杂后自旋向上和自旋向下的价带发生了劈裂,说明Yb掺杂后产生了磁性。La、Yb替位掺杂AlN后,光吸收带边向左往低能方向移动,发生了红移现象。掺杂La和Yb后AlN体系的静态介电常数由4.63分别增大为5.14、280.44,说明掺杂之后增强了体系耐高压特性;静态折射率则由2.12分别增大为2.26、17.06,改善了AlN的光学性质。
关键词: AlN, 第一性原理, 稀土掺杂, 光电特性, 磁性
Selective electrocatalytic reduction of Sn(Ⅳ) by carbon nitrogen materials prepared with different precursors
Rui PAN, Yuting MENG, Ruigang XIE, Daixiang CHEN, Jiefa SHEN, Shenghu YAN, Jianwu LIU, Yue ZHANG
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230433
Graphitic carbon nitride (CN)-based materials were synthesized using melamine, urea, guanidine carbonate, and thiourea as precursors via pyrolysis. The synthesized materials underwent comprehensive characterization employing techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and nitrogen adsorption-desorption test. These materials were evaluated for their performance as cathodes with platinum sheet electrodes as anodes in the selective electrocatalytic reduction of Sn(Ⅳ) in an acid solution. During the reduction of Sn(Ⅳ) to Sn(Ⅱ), Sn(Ⅱ) can also be reduced to Sn due to the similar reduction potentials of Sn(Ⅱ) and Sn(Ⅳ). The deposition of Sn on the cathode diminishes the electrode conductivity efficiency. Therefore, the electrode material must fulfill the dual requirements of reducing Sn(Ⅳ) to Sn(Ⅱ) while preventing the reduction of Sn(Ⅱ) to Sn. In comparison to conventional cathode materials such as copper plates, graphite plates, ruthenium iridium titanium plates, and platinum plates, the CN demonstrated superior performance in the selective electrocatalytic reduction of Sn(Ⅳ) in an acidic solution. In addition, CN exhibited a lower potential in a dual-electrode electrolytic cell and maintained stability under acidic conditions, enabling the selective reduction of Sn(Ⅳ) to Sn(Ⅱ).
关键词: carbon nitride, Sn(Ⅳ) reduction, electrocatalysis
白佳坤, 徐婷, 张璐, 彭江, 李宇强, 贾俊辉
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240002
设计、合成了一种基于巴比妥酸衍生物的具有D-π-A结构的光学探针3。该探针能够作为一种高度灵敏和选择性的次氯酸指示剂,快速实现对次氯酸的比色和荧光信号(开-关)的双响应(约15 s)。推测的响应机制是ClO-与C=C之间发生了亲电加成和氧化裂解反应,导致探针的D-π-A结构遭到破坏,从而阻断了其分子内电荷转移(intramolecular charge transfer,ICT)进程。探针只需一步即可合成,同时具有红光发射(628 nm)和较大的斯托克斯位移(158 nm),检测限(limit of detection,LOD)低至14 nmol·L-1。此外,探针还表现出低细胞毒性,并成功应用于活细胞成像。
关键词: 大斯托克斯位移, 次氯酸检测, 比色荧光双响应, 红光发射, 细胞成像
安佳奇, 刘云乐, 尚建选, 郭燕, 刘策, 曾凡龙, 李安阳, 王文渊
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240072
超大硅胺基取代的低价锗化合物可以构建新颖的化学结构,提供有学术价值的新发现。二配位的超大硅胺基氯锗宾Ge(N(SiiPr3)2)Cl (1)具有空的4p轨道和孤电子对。针对这2个特点,研究了化合物1的热构型转换和菲醌氧化加成反应。1的温热分解生成了立方四锗卡宾Ge4(NSiiPr3)4 (2),与菲醌(L)定量氧化加成生成了胺基一氯菲二酚合锗(IV):[Ge(N(SiiPr3)2)(L)Cl] (3)。表征了2个产物的单晶结构与组成。四锗卡宾2本质上是锗异腈的四聚体,分子呈现出畸变的立方体构型,4个Ge原子和4个N原子构成了中心立方体的8个顶点。其中Ge—N键长为0.203 6(3) nm,N—Ge—N与Ge—N—Ge的键角分别为85.51(18)°和94.32(16)°,立方体的侧面接近平行四边形。理论计算首次揭示了四锗卡宾2的成键面貌。自然键轨道(NBO)给出Ge4N4骨架上的20个分子轨道。轨道定域化的计算结果完好地呈现出4对Ge孤对电子、12个Ge—N键和4个Si—N键的定域轨道,能量分别为-12.22、-15.12和-20.12 eV。Ge孤对电子主要保留了4s电子的特性,而Ge—N键主要由N的2s轨道(18.4%)和2p轨道(71.3%)、Ge的4s轨道(0.75%)和4p轨道(9.43%)综合贡献形成。在化合物3的分子中,Ge采取sp3杂化,由于空间位阻与非对称配位,与另外4个配位原子形成非对称四面体构型。
关键词: 超大硅胺基, 异腈, 锗卡宾, 立方构型
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240108
用简单的共沉淀法制备了Co掺杂的Ni (OH)2,通过Co/Ni的协同作用改善了材料的电化学性能。Co原子掺杂改善了材料形貌,暴露了更多的缺陷位,提高了材料的电化学活性。同时第一性原理计算表明,Co掺杂也改变了Ni的电子云分布,提高了材料的电荷传输和离子扩散性能。得益于适宜的Co掺杂量,Ni0.84Co0.16(OH)2在1 A·g-1的电流密度下质量比容量高达1 589.6 F·g-1,同时组装后的非对称超级电容器在功率密度为21.33 kW·kg-1时仍具有8.30 Wh·kg-1的能量密度,显示出了良好的储能性能和循环性能。
关键词: 超级电容器, 氢氧化镍, 钴掺杂
赵杰, 刘森, 殷齐康, 鲁效庆, 王兆杰
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230385
采用巨正则蒙特卡洛模拟和密度泛函理论结合的方式探究了不同碱金属(alkali metal,AM,包括Li、Na、K)修饰提升萘炔(naphyne,NY)和萘二炔(naphdiyne,NDY)的CO2吸附分离性能。通过结合能和结构的电子性质分析发现,AM修饰的NY和NDY具有良好的结构稳定性。在298 K、100 kPa的条件下,Li修饰的萘二炔(Li-NDY)表现出高达11.37 mmol·g-1的CO2吸附量和430.85的CO2选择性(优于N2)。同时,利用气体吸附密度分布揭示了不同AM修饰的NY/NDY (AM-NY、AM-NDY)具有高吸附量的原因,以及二者作用效果差异的本质。最后,从吸附热、库仑和范德瓦耳斯相互作用等角度详细说明了AM引入的改性机制。
关键词: 二维碳材料, CO2吸附分离, 密度泛函理论, 巨正则蒙特卡洛
Assembling a luminescence silencing system based on post-synthetic modification strategy: A highly sensitive and selective turn-on metal-organic framework probe for ascorbic acid detection
Jie ZHANG, Xin LIU, Zhixin LI, Yuting PEI, Yuqi YANG, Huimin LI, Zhiqiang LIU
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230310
A unique 3D luminescent metal-organic framework, namely [Cd(L)(H2O)0.5]·DMF·2.5H2O (1), where H2L=3-(tetrazol-5-yl)triazole, has been successfully prepared and characterized. The framework has demonstrated excellent luminescence properties and structural stability in the water system. Notably, the luminescence intensity of 1 was significantly quenched by Cr(Ⅵ) (1 mL of Cr2O72- or 150 μL of CrO42-, 1 mmol·L-1), leading to the formation of an "on-off" luminescence silencing system (Cr2O72-@1), which was capable of accurately detecting Cr(Ⅵ) in the water system. The primary mechanism responsible for luminescence quenching was the Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) process. Additionally, by removing the involvement of the FRET process, the luminescence intensity of the Cr2O72-@1 system could be restored, allowing for the highly selective and sensitive detection of ascorbic acid (AA) in water systems. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that 1 can successfully detect AA in vitamin C tablets, yielding recovery rates ranging from 98.20% to 103.33% and relative standard deviations (RSDs) ranging from 1.78% to 3.42%. Based on the findings of this experiment, a luminescent "IMPLICATION" molecular logic gate has been constructed utilizing AA and Cr(Ⅵ) as the chemical inputs, respectively.
关键词: luminescence silencing, metal-organic framework, Cr(Ⅵ), ascorbic acid
First-principles study of adsorption of Cl2 and CO gas molecules by transition metal-doped g-GaN
Shuanglin TIAN, Tinghong GAO, Yutao LIU, Qian CHEN, Quan XIE, Qingquan XIAO, Yongchao LIANG
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230482
The adsorption behaviors of intrinsic graphene-like GaN (g-GaN) and transition metal (TM) atom-doped g-GaN on Cl2 and CO gas molecules were systematically investigated using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The results show that the adsorption of both Cl2 and CO on the intrinsic g-GaN was physisorbed, and since the adsorption energies of both systems were positive, it indicates that the systems are unstable. On the contrary, the adsorption energies of Cl2 and CO upon adsorption on Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN were negative and small, and the adsorption system is stable. By analyzing the properties of the density of states, charge density difference, and energy band structure, it can be concluded that the introduction of transition metal atoms can effectively enhance the interaction between gas molecules and g-GaN.
关键词: gas sensing, graphene-like GaN, adsorption, transition metal doping




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