Citation: HU Bin, YAN Liu-Shui, ZHANG Ai-Qin, HUANG Wei. Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Cis-Trans Conformation and Substituent Effects of Manganese(Ⅱ) and Cobalt(Ⅱ) Complexes Having 3,8-Dithiophen or 3,8-Di-3-methylthiophen-1,10-phenanthroline[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2012, 28(12): 2540-2547. shu

Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Cis-Trans Conformation and Substituent Effects of Manganese(Ⅱ) and Cobalt(Ⅱ) Complexes Having 3,8-Dithiophen or 3,8-Di-3-methylthiophen-1,10-phenanthroline

  • Corresponding author: HU Bin,  HUANG Wei, 
  • Received Date: 6 March 2012
    Available Online: 5 July 2012

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(No.21165013,21171088) (No.21165013,21171088)中国博士后基金(No.2012M511720) (No.2012M511720)江西省自然科学基金(No.2010GZH0112) (No.2010GZH0112)南昌航空大学博士基金(No.EA201102327)资助项目. (No.EA201102327)

  • A dinuclear 3,8-dithiophen substituted 1,10-phenanthroline (dtphen) manganese(Ⅱ) complex and a pair of 3,8-di-3-methylthiophen substituted 1,10-phenanthroline (dmtphen) manganese(Ⅱ) and cobalt(Ⅱ) complexes, formulated as [trans-Mn2Cl4(dtphen)2] (1), [cis-MnCl2(dmtphen)2] (2) and [cis-CoCl2(dmtphen)2] (3), were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, UV-Vis spectra and X-ray single-crystal structural analysis. The two Mn(Ⅱ) complexes exhibit diverse coordination models in the whole molecular structures. In mononuclear complexe 2 and 3, both dmtphen ligands have similar trans/trans conformation but different dihedral angles ranging from 14.1(1)°~51.5(1)° because of the spatial crowding effects of methyl group. In contrast, the dihedral angles of dtphen ligands in dinuclear complex 1 are only within 2.0(1)°~20.2(1)° and the two side thiophene rings in the dtphen ligand adopt the cis/trans conformation relative to the central phen unit. CCDC: 870021, 1; 870022, 2; 870023, 3.
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