Citation: Yan Tao, Liu Zhenhua, Song Xinyue, Zhang Shusheng. Construction and Development of Tumor Microenvironment Stimulus-Responsive Upconversion Photodynamic Diagnosis and Treatment System[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2020, 78(7): 657-669. doi: 10.6023/A20040132 shu

Construction and Development of Tumor Microenvironment Stimulus-Responsive Upconversion Photodynamic Diagnosis and Treatment System

  • Corresponding author: Song Xinyue, Zhang Shusheng,
  • Received Date: 29 April 2020
    Available Online: 15 June 2020

    Fund Project: the Key Research Plan of Shandong Province 2017GGX40110the Nature Science Foundation of Shandong Province ZR2018ZC0231the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21775063Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21775063), the Nature Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2018ZC0231) and the Key Research Plan of Shandong Province (No. 2017GGX40110)


  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new type of non-invasive tumor therapy, which has the advantages of less trauma and toxicity, good selectivity, no drug resistance and repeatable treatment. Thus, PDT has achieved remarkable results in the treatment of cancer. In order to increase its depth of tissue penetration, researchers proposed to build novel PDT nano-theranostic systems based on upconversion nanoparticles (referred as upconversion photodynamic nanotheranostic system). Based on the luminescence resonance energy transfer process, upconversion photodynamic nanotheranostic systems use the emitted fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles which is excited by the near-infrared laser to further excite the loaded photosensitizer, thus it is advantageous to the treatment of deep tumors. Via the multi-functional structure design, the newly developed upconversion photodynamic nanotheranostic agent could achieve the targeted transportation, imaging diagnosis and stimulation response for the achievement of on-demand treatment, which is the trend for the development of nanomedicine in the future. At present, researchers pay more and more attention to the construction of tumor microenvironment responsive nanotheranostic system, in order to improve the targeting to the tumor section, improve the PDT efficacy, and reduce the toxicity to the surrounding normal tissues. This work mainly discusses the construction and development of upconversion nanotheranostic systems based on the stimulation of pH, enzyme and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, we prospect its development in the future.
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