Citation: Xiong Lin, Fan Yong, Zhang Fan. Research Progress on Rare Earth Nanocrystals for In Vivo Imaging and Sensing in Near Infrared Region[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2019, 77(12): 1239-1249. doi: 10.6023/A19080305 shu

Research Progress on Rare Earth Nanocrystals for In Vivo Imaging and Sensing in Near Infrared Region

  • Corresponding author: Zhang Fan,
  • Received Date: 16 August 2019
    Available Online: 18 December 2019

    Fund Project: the National Key R & D Program of China 2017YFA0207303Project supported by National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 21725502), the National Key R & D Program of China (No. 2017YFA0207303), the Key Basic Research Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 17JC1400100)National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 21725502the Key Basic Research Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality 17JC1400100


  • In vivo imaging and sensing play a critical role in modern biological and medical research. Compared with other techniques such as computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), fluorescence imaging and analysis are featured by fast feedback, high sensitivity, and high spatiotemporal resolution. Especially, the application of near infrared (NIR) light as both excitation and emission signals provides increased tissue penetration and improved imaging quality and sensitivity due to reduced light scattering and auto-fluorescence. Among various materials investigated for in vivo imaging and bio-sensing, lanthanide-based nanocrystals display rich excitation/emission wavelengths in the NIR range, good photo and chemical stability, large Stokes shifts. In recent years, the research on lanthanide-based nanocrystals for in vivo imaging and sensing has seen rapid progress. Through nanoscale material design and synthesis, it is possible to fine tune the optical properties of lanthanide-based nanocrystals. By properly choosing different lanthanide ions as activators and sensitizers, multiple excitation/emission wavelengths can be obtained. The careful design of core-shell structure of nanocrystals enables improved fluorescence efficiency and tailorable fluorescence life time through controlled energy transfer. On the other side, the surface of lanthanide-based nanocrystals can be modified through coating, absorption or ligand exchange to enhance the biocompatibility, targeting capability, and bio-responsiveness. Taking advantage of this high flexibility and versatility, there are great opportunities for these lanthanide-based nanocrystals in various in vivo imaging and sensing applications. This review first outlines the general technique requirements for in vivo imaging and sensing. Then, the composition, synthesis and basic properties of lanthanide-based nanocrystals are briefly introduced. Subsequently, the routes for tailoring the optical and biochemical properties of lanthanide-based nanocrystals are discussed in detail, with an emphasis on the material designs and surface modifications for in vivo imaging and analysis. It is expected that this work will inspire new ideas for accelerating the clinic translation of rare earth nanocrystals-based imaging and sensing techniques.
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