Citation: Zhang Hong-Hao, Yu Shouyun. Advances on Transition Metals and Photoredox Cooperatively Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2019, 77(9): 832-840. doi: 10.6023/A19050177 shu

Advances on Transition Metals and Photoredox Cooperatively Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions

  • Corresponding author: Yu Shouyun,
  • Received Date: 14 May 2019
    Available Online: 16 September 2019

    Fund Project: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21732003)the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21732003


  • Allylic substitutions catalyzed by transition metals are important and practical reactions, which can construct carbon-carbon bonds and carbon-heteroatom bonds efficiently and stereoselectively. Various transition metal catalysts, such as Pd, Ir, Cu, Ni, Rh and Ru, have been widely used in this reaction. To date, various "soft", or stabilized nucleophiles (pKa < 25), including malonates, acetoacetates and enolates, have been used in allylic substitutions. Conversely, the high reactivity of "hard", or non-stabilized alkyl nucleophiles (pKa>25) has limited their utility in catalytic processes and their compatibility with functional groups. Visible light photoredox catalysis has been widely used in organic synthesis because it can generate high reactive intermediates, such as free radicals and radical ions, under mild conditions using green and clean energy, and has gradually developed into an important synthetic tool. Furthermore, merging photoredox catalysis with transition metal catalysts has become a popular strategy for expanding the synthetic utility of visible-light photocatalysis, and has led to the discovery of novel reaction modes. Due to the high activity of the intermediates in photoredox catalysis, the selectivity of these reactions, especially stereoselectivity, is still a challenge. In view of the importance of allyl substitutions, the allyl substitution co-catalyzed by transition metals and photoredox has attracted the interest of chemists. The synergistic strategy can realize allylic substitutions which are difficult to be achieved by single transition metal catalysis. The regioselectivity and stereoselectivity of these reactions also show different characteristics. It is expected to become an important complement to allylic substitution catalyzed by single metal. In this review, recent advances on allylic substitution co-catalyzed by different transition metals and photoredox are summarized. Meanwhile, the mechanism of representative transformations will be briefly introduced and the prospective in this area will be given.
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