Citation: Yang Ying, Zhu Congtan, Lin Feiyu, Chen Tian, Pan Dequn, Guo Xueyi. Research Progress of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2019, 77(10): 964-976. doi: 10.6023/A19040143 shu

Research Progress of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells

  • Corresponding author: Guo Xueyi,
  • Received Date: 24 April 2019
    Available Online: 3 October 2019

    Fund Project: Undergraduate student of Central South University 202321009Natural Science Foundation of Hunan 2016JJ3140Undergraduate student of Central South University ZY20180866Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61774169), Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned overseas Chinese Scholar, Natural Science Foundation of Hunan (No. 2016JJ3140) and Undergraduate student of Central South University (Nos. ZY20180866, 202321009)the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61774169


  • Since the introduction of perovskite solar cells in 2009, perovskite solar cells have developed rapidly due to their low-cost and high theoretical photoelectric conversion efficiency. Among them, the inverted structure of perovskite solar cells has received more and more attention due to its good stability and low hysteresis effect. Since its inception in 2013, its photoelectric conversion efficiency has rapidly increased from the initial 3.9% to 21.5%. However, compared with the traditional upright structure perovskite solar cells, there is still a gap in the photoelectric conversion efficiency of inverted perovskite solar cells. Due to the nature of the organic materials used, perovskites are more severely affected by moisture in the air environment. They are heavily dependent on nitrogen protection during device manufacturing. In the future, if perovskite solar cells are put into production, the fully enclosed waterless environment will obviously increase the production costs. At the same time, the development of large-area preparation technology is still a difficult problem to be solved. The development of inverted perovskite solar cells, the selection of carrier transport materials, interface optimization, and the development of flexible devices are systematically reviewed in this paper. For example, PEDOT:PSS was doped by GeO2 and DMSO, and PEDOT:PSS was modified by MoO3 and GO to improve its work function, acidity and hygroscopicity. A NiOx dense layer is usually doped with Mg2+, Li+ and Cs4+ to increase its conductivity, which can be prepared by different methods such as magnetron sputtering and sol-gel method. The PCBM interface is modified by C60, BCP, LiF etc., to enhance its ohmic contact with the metal counter electrode. And the PCBM is doped by graphene, CoSe, SnO2 etc., to reduce the charge recombination caused by the interfacial resistance and the defects of the perovskite film. This paper would provide a way to obtain a high efficiency inverted perovskite solar cells by structure and material optimization. And it also give insights into the general rules for preparing large area and flexible devices.
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