Citation: Zhang Yanyan, Wu Minghao, Wu Mingjie, Guo Linpei, Cao Lin, Wu Hongyi, Zhang Xuening. Study of Fluorescence and CT Bimodal Imaging of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoclusters[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2018, 76(9): 709-714. doi: 10.6023/A18060225 shu

Study of Fluorescence and CT Bimodal Imaging of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoclusters

  • Corresponding author: Zhang Xuening,
  • † Both the authors contributed equally to this work
  • Received Date: 5 June 2018
    Available Online: 21 September 2018

    Fund Project: Project supported by the Program of the Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission (No. 16KG115) and the Tianjin Medical University "13th Five-Year" Comprehensive Investment Subject Construction Project (No. 116015012017XK0202)the Program of the Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission 16KG115the Tianjin Medical University "13th Five-Year" Comprehensive Investment Subject Construction Project 116015012017XK0202


  • Multimodality imaging can integrate structural/functional information from different imaging tools, thus provide more accurate diagnosis than each single imaging modality. Au nanoclusters (AuNCs) are unique and have rich X-ray attenuation and fluorescent properties based on strong quantum confinement effect (SQCE); however, there is a huge challenge to simultaneously improve both X-ray imaging ability and fluorescent properties by adjusting sizes under the requirements of in vivo biological application. In this study, using rGSH as reductant and stabilizer, we developed a sub-nanometer ultrasmall AuNCs (Us-Au15NCs) as an optimized multimodal imaging probe with enhanced imaging ability by accurately adjusting pH to 8. For the first time, the in vitro both enhanced fluorescent and X-ray computed tomography (CT) bimodal imaging ability of AuNCs were investigated. By adjusting the pH and the proportion of Au3+ ions to GSH, the fluorescence intensity of the Us-AuNCs was strengthened and the emission peak showed red-shifts from 510 nm to 683 nm. While promising and exciting, the attenuation coefficient verified by the HU (hounsfield unit) values was increased almost linearly with the ratio increasing, which preserved the excellent X-ray imaging ability of Us-AuNCs. In addition, With a demonstrated better X-ray attenuation property than that of clinically used iodinated small molecular contrast agent (e.g., Iohexol), the developed Us-Au15NCs enabled efficient and enhanced CT imaging. Thus, the synthesized Us-Au15NCs characterised by UV-vis spectra and fluorescence spectra could simultaneously possess superior CT contrast ability and significant photoluminescence properties. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results revealed that the morphology was uniform spherical shape. Moreover, the Us-Au15NCs shows excellent stability, low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility. Furthermore, the prepared Us-Au15NCs was confirmed to be effective and applicable for fluorescent imaging of 4T1 tumor cells, which determining that the Us-Au15NCs was more effectively involved with the cancer cells. The significance of this study is that rather than the synthesis of Us-AuNCs only, the prepared Us-Au15NCs may serve as multimodality imaging contrast agent with fluorescence and CT imaging for clinical diagnosis application.
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