Citation: Zhang Shangxi, Shao Xiangfeng. Flexible TTF Derivatives: Synthesis, Structure and Self-assembly[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2018, 76(7): 531-536. doi: 10.6023/A18040157 shu

Flexible TTF Derivatives: Synthesis, Structure and Self-assembly

  • Corresponding author: Zhang Shangxi,
  • Received Date: 18 April 2018
    Available Online: 29 July 2018

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21603093the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21372111the Research and Technology foundation of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department GJJ151112the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21702090Project supported by the Research and Technology foundation of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department (No. GJJ151112) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21702090, 21603093, 21372111)


  • Organic electron donors with planar configuration, moderate redox potential and favorable flexibility are the foundation of the molecular material science and self-assembly chemistry. A series of TTF derivatives (TTF1~TTF8) with well molecule flexibility have been synthesized employing a copper-mediated C—S coupling reaction of 1, 2-diiodophenyl groups and a zinc-thiolate complex, (TBA)2[Zn(DMIT)2] (TBA=tetrabutyl ammonium, DMIT=1, 3-dithiole-2-thione-4, 5-dithiolate) as the key step. The physicochemical properties and crystal structures of these TTFs are fully investigated by UV/Vis absorption spectra, cyclic voltammetry, single crystal X-ray diffraction. The ethylenedioxy/ethylenedithio group and sulfur attached phenyl groups lead to unusual properties of TTFs. In comparison with TTF5~TTF8 containing ethylenedithio groups, TTF1~TTF4 substituted by ethylenedioxy groups exhibit stronger absorbance, due to the different electronegative of oxygen and sulfur atom. In addition the absorbance is reducing progressively as the electron donating ability of the respective aryl groups increasing. By introducing fused aryls, the first half redox potential (E1/21) used to estimate the electrochemical stability of different organic electron donors of the TTF derivatives are much higher than that of BEDT-TTF and TTF itself. The aryls ensure the stability of TTF-core via dispersing its electrons. By hot recrystallization or slowly evaporating the solvent, single crystals of eight TTFs suitable for single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurement were obtained. All these TTF derivatives adopt boat conformation with various dihedral angles between the central C2S4 plane with the terminal C2O2 and C2S2 plane of the TTF framework. Complicated aryls leads to larger dihedral angles. TTF5~TTF8 with ethylenedithio groups have more dominant curving configuration with respect to TTF1~TTF4 functionalized by ethylenedioxy groups. Additionally, the stereo-hindrance effects due to the fused phenyl groups prolong the distance from one molecule to another. As a typical example of crystal structure of TTF4, the two methoxy groups make the distance much longer than that in TTF1. Furthermore, the flexible TTFs exhibit unique behavior on self-assembling when the C—S bond vibrate upon and down the TTF-skeleton plane. Single crystals of the complex (TTF4)(C60) are obtained via slowly evaporating chlorobenzene at room temperature after the mixture was heated and refluxed for five minutes. The dihedral angles of TTF4 enlarges to some extent from 24.30° in monomer to 30.17° in complex. Two electron donor molecules produced a cavity and a C60 molecule filled the cavity with C—C and C—S contacts.
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