Citation: Wang Bin, Wang Jianfu, Zhang Xiaofei, Chen Wenjie, Zhang Yongfan, Huang Xin. Theoretical Investigations on the Structures and the Chemical Bonding of NbMoSn-/0 (n=3~7) Clusters[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2017, 75(3): 307-320. doi: 10.6023/A16110578 shu

Theoretical Investigations on the Structures and the Chemical Bonding of NbMoSn-/0 (n=3~7) Clusters

  • Corresponding author: Wang Bin,
  • Received Date: 1 November 2016

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21371034the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21603117the Natural Science Foundation of Fuzhou University 2012-XY-6the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21373048the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21301030


  • Recently, transition metal sulfides (TMS) have played an important role in many catalytic reactions. In particular, they are widely used in the petrochemical industry, such as the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and the hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) processes. In this work, density functional theory (DFT) and coupled cluster theory[CCSD (T)] calculations were used to study the niobium-mixed di-nuclear molybdenum sulfide clusters NbMoSn-/0(n=3~7). In our calculations, their ground-state structures were determined and the effects of doping metal, adjusting the sulfur content (n) and changing the charge states of clusters were discussed on the geometries, electronic structures and chemical bonding of NbMoSn-/0(n=3~7). NbMoSn-/0(n=3~7) clusters can be viewed as linking different sulfur ligands to the NbMoS2 four-membered rings. Among them, diverse poly-sulfur ligands, such as bridging S2, terminal S2 and terminal S3 groups, emerged in the sulfur-rich clusters. Generalized Koopmans' Theorem was employed to predict the vertical detachment energies (VDEs), and simulate the corresponding anionic photoelectron spectra (PES). The first VDEs (VDE1st) of NbMoSn-(n=3~6) increased gradually as a function of n, and then decreased suddenly when the sulfur content (n) reached 7. The VDE1st reached the maximum by 4.69 eV when the sulfur content equaled to 6. The driving forces (-ΔG) of the reduction reactions between NbMoSn-/0(n=3~7) and H2 were evaluated. The NbMoS7- anion with the terminal S22- group yielded the negative value of ΔG, which indicated that the reaction is thermodynamically favored even at the room temperature. We predicted that doping niobium into the molybdenum sulfides may improve the emergence of S2 group which may be helpful in producing the coordinatively unsaturated sites (CUS) under the H2/H2S atmosphere. Molecular orbital analyses are performed to improve our understanding on the structural evolution and the chemical bonding of NbMoSn-/0(n=3~7) clusters.
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