Citation: Zhang Siwei, Zhang Jun, Wu Sida, Lv Wei, Kang Feiyu, Yang Quan-Hong. Research Advances of Carbon-based Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2017, 75(2): 163-172. doi: 10.6023/A16080428 shu

Research Advances of Carbon-based Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries

  • Corresponding author: Lv Wei, Yang Quan-Hong,
  • Received Date: 24 August 2016

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. U1401243Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China No. 2014CB932400the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars No. 51525204Shenzhen Basic Research Program  Nos. JCYJ20150529164918734, JCYJ20150331151358140 and JCYJ20150331151358136


  • Compared with the widely-used lithium-ion battery (LIB), sodium-ion battery (SIB) is a promising energy storage device for large scale energy storage systems due to the low cost and environmental benignity of sodium. However, its practical use is restricted by the lack of suitable anode and cathode materials, especially the applicable anode materials with high performance. SIBs have similar working mechanism to LIBs, and thus, carbon materials are the most promising anode materials for SIBs. But the storage behaviors of Na+ and Li+ in carbon-based anodes are quite different. Graphite, which is used as the anode of commercial LIBs, hardly accommodates sodium ions. Thus, many researchers investigated sodium ion storage in disordered carbons, especially the hard carbons. Hard carbon is composed of disordered turbostratic nanodomains (TNs) and the pores formed between these domains. The edge/defect sites on the carbon surface, e.g., carbenes, vacancies, and dangling bonds on the edges of TNs, the interlayer space in TNs, and the pores can host the sodium ions. High porosity is normally needed to reach a high capacity and rate capability. But this leads to large irreversible reactions, and thus, a low initial Coulombic efficiency and poor cyclic stability. In this paper, sodium ion storage behaviors in different carbon structures are discussed and the design principles and research advances of carbon-based anode materials are reviewed. Particularly, the commercial carbon molecular sieve (CMS) is highlighted as a promising anode material for the practical use of SIBs. Finally, the future development of carbon anodes for SIB is commented and prospected.
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